Professor Benson

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( An AU because why not? )

The first bell rang, which indicated that the class of third-year college students would start any minute now. Carly and Sam have been best friends ever since they were children, so they stick around together whenever or wherever they go.
"Hurry, Sam! I don't want to be late for our first day!" Carly grabbed her hands and dragged the blonde through the university's hallways.

Sam rolled her eyes, "Calm down! We're almost there! No need to rush!"
They reached the hallway where their homeroom was located, but before they could even find and reach the door, the second bell rang. Meaning, they got a little bit late.
"No!" Carly whispered and shouted. "Sam! Make your ass walk faster. Please!"
Sam groaned lowly in annoyance, but then they finally reached for the right door they were looking for. Carly knocked three times before slowly opening the door, which was located at the back part of the room, and that's what made it worse. As soon as Carly peeked her head to see what and who was already inside the room, she grimaced when all eyes fell upon her, including the not-really-happy-professor standing in front of everyone with raised eyebrows towards her direction.
"Good Morning, Professor. I'm sorry I'm late." Carly apologized quickly. She looked at her back when she didn't hear or see any sign of Sam. "Sam? Sam, Where are you?"
"Miss Shay, I believe you should take your seat so that we can already start and get over with our lesson for this very first day of the school year, yeah?" 
Carly nodded more than needed, sighing because she didn't have time to find her best friend, "Yes, Sir. I apologize again."
"No worries. Just make sure it doesn't happen again." Freddie formally stated, "Okay, so, for today's activity..-"

*30 minutes later*

"Carly? You here? Is this our room?" A blonde peaked her head after she slightly opened the door in search of her best friend. 

"Damn." Sam finally met Carly's eyes and instantly felt the glare of the Professor. "I'm sorry I'm late, Professor."

"Any reason for coming late, Miss?" Freddie trailed off to look at his list of names that were in his class. Since Sam was the only one who wasn't present when they did the attendance, he immediately searched for the one name he didn't put a check on. He nodded with raised brows when he added, "Puckett."

Sam didn't have a good reason though. You might think it was unfair for Professor Benson to interrogate Sam like this when Carly was late as well. You see, Carly was only late for barely 2 minutes, but Sam, on the other hand, was late for almost half an hour. He would be really glad to hear her explanation.

"Oh, well.." Sam thought carefully for an excuse, which made Freddie immediately know that she would lie. "Yeah, I.. Um... I became disoriented. Sir, that's it. I was lost."

"Miss Puckett, let me remind you that you are already studying in college. I assume that you already know that lying is a bad thing." Freddie narrowed his eyes at her. Sam rolled her eyes.

"I'm not a five-year-old, Sir." Sam stated sternly before she slightly mocked, "And I apologize for being late." 

Mr. Benson's blood started boiling and he doesn't want to kick out a student at the start of the semester so he quickly said, "Apology accepted, Miss Puckett. Please take your seat now." 

Sam then fully entered the room and sat beside Carly. "Dude! Where did you go?" Carly whispered.

"Shh. I'll tell you later, or else Mister Angry Dude might get red from frustration again."


After the class ended for their first subject, the students went out to transfer to another room to attend their next subject. Whilst walking, Carly began asking her blonde friend. "So, where did you really go? It's like our first day, and you're 30 minutes late, Sam."

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