Vandalized Heart

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The sun was shining brightly when the blonde woke up from her profound sleep. She gradually opened her eyes and reached for her phone that was placed on the side of her pillow. She turned it on to check if she got any missed calls or messages. At the point when she didn't see anything, she stood up and prepared already.

She washed and wash with cold water that was trickling down the shower. She brushed her teeth, fixed her muddled blonde hair, and put on her usual clothes. 

She took a cab going to Ridgeway because she was too lazy to walk. When the driver halted, she paid him, then, went out of it. She strolled through Ridgeway's entrance and went promptly to her locker.

Sam saw Carly taking out her books from her locker and putting them on her new, glossy, pink shoulder bag that she got from her dad as her prize for getting straight A's. Sam scrunched her face in disgust because of how girly girl, her best friend is.

"Hey, Shay." Sam greeted her, "Oh hey, early huh?" Carly grinned. Sam nods while she was holding a large pretzel on her left hand whilst her other hand is working on opening her locker. 

When it opened, she set her pretzel on her mini microwave and warmed it up. "I still don't know how that microwave works." her brunette best friend chuckled, the blonde just smirked in response.

While waiting, her eyes began wandering around searching for her boyfriend, Freddie Benson.

Their relationship is going on for almost a year now. It's something that she's proud of at the same time, not.

Once her eyes lay with her boyfriend, they were immediately narrowed. She saw her boyfriend hugging a girl whilst a smile was placed on his lips. 

She immediately rolled her eyes and turned her back on them. She tried everything to get it out of her brain but it only got worse and kept bothering her the whole time.

She might not be one of those girly daffodils, but hey, who wouldn't be bugged if you see your boyfriend hugging another girl right?

After a good few minutes, Sam heard Freddie's voice calling them. "Hey, Carls, and a special hey to my blondie." He then snaked his muscular arms on her waist while the blonde was struggling, trying to shake them off without him noticing.

Carly smiled, in a friendly way, of course. "Hey, Freddie!"

Sam just kept quiet, however, nods in response. Freddie's not used to Sam being quiet, particularly when he should get either a kiss or a jab on his lung whenever he greets her in that manner. He, then, at that point saw her silence.

"Hey, are you okay?" He questioned her, Sam nods again while getting her warm pretzel from her mini microwave. "Baby, tell me, what's wrong?" Freddie embraced her from behind as he used his puppy dog eyes and put a pout on his pink lips. She shook her head lightly.

But he knows her too well,  "Come on, Sam."

"I already shook my head, implying 'nothing', so just shut up and let me eat my pretzel." Sam addressed icily, her face shows no emotion at all. Freddie knows that something is up, but he decided to let it pass now rather than pushing it to her and get a broken limb afterward.
The bell rang and the three of them went to their respective classes. The day passed by as usual, except that Sam was giving Freddie a silent treatment and he doesn't know why and what to do anymore.

After school, they continued to Shay's loft to do their rehearsal before doing a live web show on the internet.

Sam promptly continued towards the refrigerator to get ham or bacon, whatever kind of meat they have. Additionally, it's her method to avoid Freddie.

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