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It was a normal Monday in Seattle, which means there is school and work.

It was 8 am when Sam arrived at Ridgeway and she immediately went to her locker.

All students were looking at their phones, waiting for something.

You see, there is this trending app where it gives you clues about your soulmate, and pretty much all students have it downloaded on their phones except for the blonde who was strangely looking at them. 

"Morning, Shay." The blonde greeted her brunette friend whose eyes are glued to her phone.

"Hey, Sam!" Carly greeted back but didn't even look up to see her blonde best friend. Sam just rolled her eyes and looked at what was going on her phone that caused Carly to be like that.

"Oh, come on! Also you?" Sam whined, "You people are seriously wasting your time in that stupid app!" 

"Hey! It's not stupid! You could know who is your soulmate through this app, Sam!" Carly defended while shaking Sam's shoulder.

"Whatever." That was all it took from the blonde, she then opened her locker to get her fat cakes.

"You know what? You should also try it, everybody has it except you. Even Freddie has it downloaded in his phone." Carly tries to convince her.

"Of course, he has that, he's a dork." Sam shrugged.

"Just try it!" Carly still tried to convince her.

"Fine, but just to make you stop!" Sam gave in and reached for her pocket to bring out her phone. She then went to the app store to download it. 

Ridgeway has the internet in their whole school and all students have access to it, in case the students have something to search or look for on the internet.

After the app was installed, she opened it and entered her details. Freddie then walked in.

"Hola chicas!" He greeted them while smiling.

"Hey, Fred - Oh look I got another hint about my soulmate! It says he loves collecting. I wanna know his collection!" Carly exclaimed in excitement.

Freddie just chuckled in response while Sam, again, rolled her eyes.

"How about you, Freddie? What are the clues that you got already?" Carly asked as she finally took her eyes off of her phone and got the books and stuffs she needs for her class.

"Nothing much yet since I just installed it last night but I got a hint about her name though. It said that her name consists of 8 letters." He replied. Carly nods in response and faced Sam.

"How is it going there?" Carly smirked when she saw her best friend enjoying the app.

"Good. I guess?" Sam pretended as if she isn't waiting for a hint but she was intrigued about her soulmate.

"Sure." Carly and Freddie chuckled at her knowingly to which Sam responded at them with a glare.

"Hey, it's time for our first class, let's get going now," Carly announced when she looked at what time it is. The two just followed her and proceeded to their classroom. 

When they arrived, they saw their teacher looking at his phone, also using the Soulmate app. They weren't surprised, even Ms. Briggs has it on her phone which resulted in Sam cringing about it.

The class started as to how it's supposed to be. Carly and Freddie listened and took down notes while Sam enjoyed the whole class, by sleeping.

Then it was already their lunchtime, The trio are all holding and looking down their phones as if someone will take them away from them.

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