Arranged Marriage

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Freddie and Carly are in an 'Arranged Marriage' situation, it all started because of Mrs. Benson and Carly.

Carly felt jealous when Sam and Freddie are dating. So, when they broke up she immediately made a move.

 Carly ran up to Mrs. Benson and ask for help to hook her up with Freddie. Carly is desperate at this point and became crazy with Freddie.

Since Mrs. Benson never really took a liking towards Sam, she agreed without a second thought.

Freddie didn't have a choice but to spend most of his time with the perky brunette girl because his mother forces him to.

Mind you, Freddie still doesn't have any idea that Carly and Mrs. Benson are associated.

Meanwhile, Sam has been hurt all along. Who wouldn't?

It broke her so much when she knew Carly and Freddie are getting married.

 She doesn't know it's an arranged marriage so she assumed Freddie already moved on.

But that's not the case because both of them still love each other.

Then, the day came. The wedding.

Sam was invited by Carly because they still kept in touch even though they don't talk or spend time the way they do before.

Sam distanced herself because it doesn't feel right.

Sam's the maid of honor which made things worse, when you know you're the one who should say vows and I do's to the groom but, no.

Sadly, that's not the case.

Because you'll be just standing there, you'll have to witness him saying his vows and I do's to a different person.

And that hurts more than anything.

Sure, Sam's strong but hey, she's not a robot. She's a person who has feelings. She feels jealous but she isn't in the right position to feel that.

*During the wedding ceremony at the Church*

Sam's POV


That's the only thing I feel right now.

Carly's so lucky ever since. I envy her so much (not in a possessive and harmful way) knowing that she always gets what she wants anytime. And now he has my nub.

I was lost in my thoughts while the priest was blabbering something that I didn't pay attention to but then he said something that made me go back to my senses.

 "...Into this holy estate, these two persons present come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace." The minute he said that my body had its mind and stood up. All eyes were suddenly on me.

I saw Freddie smile for the first time since he arrived here, the second he saw me standing.

"I - I have to say something," I said as I walk down the aisle with a shaky body. There were gasped, murmurs, and blah blah but I didn't bother to mind them, all I need right now is my nub. 

General POV

"Sam, what is this? We're still friends, right? What are you doing?!" Carly whisper-shouted at the blonde who's now standing in front of the supposed-to-be-husband-and-wife.

"First of all, I wanna say that I'm sorry for doing this. I just can't fight it. Carly, call me selfish and all. Carls, I'm sorry. I am but please let me just have a word to him." she paused and faced Freddie.

 "Nub, I'm so sorry. For hurting you physically and emotionally, for ruining your wedding today, for everything. I didn't prepare or plan this to happen but something urged and pushed me to do this. I don't have any words to say to you, Freddie, except for I love you. I always have and I always will. I just have to say that but I guess I'll leave now. Be happy, for me, yeah?" Sam forced a smile before finding her way to leave.

Sam was on her way towards the door when Freddie yelled, "Sam! Wait!"

Freddie stopped her from leaving. She sighed before turning around.

But, of course, Mrs. Benson saw all this chaos and didn't like it very much so she spoke up.

"Freddie! What are you doing?!" Mrs. Benson exclaimed. While Carly's just there sobbing. She didn't realize how selfish she became just because she was blinded by envy and jealousy. She didn't notice the persons she hurt along the way.

"No mom. I've had enough. I won't let you decide for me this time. Sam's the one whom I wanna be married with. You can't change the fact that I love Sam and she loves me. Can you just support us?" Freddie questioned his mother. Sam was touched by Freddie's words.

Meanwhile, Carly felt embarrassed and guilty.

'Freddie loves Sam. Sam loves Freddie'. She thought.

Now, she did what she knows what is right.

"Wait. I have to confess something. No one should be sorry except for me." Carly stated which made Freddie and Sam turn their attention towards her.

Mrs. Benson widened her eyes knowing that if Carly told Freddie that this was all planned ever since Freddie will be madder at her or worst is that he won't forgive her.

 "Carly, no.." Mrs. Benson warned.

"No, they deserve it!" Carly shouted sternly facing Mrs. Benson. Carly turned her head back to Sam and Freddie.

"First, Sam, I want to apologize to you for doing all this, making move with Freddie when I know you're still hurt and everything. Secondly, Freddie, I'm sorry but this is all planned. I and Marissa planned this, we didn't tell you. I'm sorry you guys." Carly cried more as she kneeled for forgiveness.

 "What?! This is all planned?! What the hell, Carly!" Freddie exclaimed, he's now furious. Sam just kept staring at Carly. She couldn't find the proper words to reply so she just decided to keep her mouth shut.

A few minutes passed by, Freddie calmed down a bit and faced Sam. "So, you said you love me?"

"Yeah? I mean I just said it a while ago and all the people here witnessed that. So, yeah I do." The blonde mumbled shyly.

"Good, 'cause I love you too. I always have and I always will."  Freddie smiled sincerely towards Sam and didn't hesitate to close the gap between their lips. The guest awkwardly clapped their hands entertained with the whole scenes displayed in front of them.

Carly just grinned softly and left after seeing her friends finally happy with each other. Mrs. Benson tried to ruin them again but she can't. 

The couple left and spend their night together at the Puckett's house since Sam's mom left, so they have the whole house for themselves.

The two were just cuddling on Sam's bed, enjoying each other's warmth and privacy.

"I'm so happy you spoke a while ago. If you didn't do that, I'm probably drinking alcohol in the bathroom right now." Freddie joked as he broke the silence.

Sam chuckled at him and replied, "Yeah, you owe me for that. But I'm happy too. I'm finally with you. again."

"I will never repeat my mistake twice by letting you go," Freddie assured her.

"Sheesh, I don't think I'll be able to handle that phase again. You better not. I won't do it to you either. Jeez! Benson, enough of this talk! It makes me sound like a daffodil! I hate it." Sam joked, acting like she's annoyed while playfully smacking lightly Freddie's shoulder but Freddie just chuckled in response. 

"I love you." They said in unison while looking lovingly with each other's eyes.

They smiled then they fell asleep happily knowing that they are in each other's arms now. 


- kinda rushed one shot :( sorry.. but I hope you like it :)

- they are also kinda OOC, so I'm sorry haha. 

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