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After the doctor checked Olivia and did a few exams she was able to go home two days after she woke up.

The doctor said she was good with everything considering she was only going to have a big scar on the side of her stomach that with time it would be thinner.

Olivia changed to her own clothes that Max had brought for her; she was happy that she was finally going to be wearing her one clothes and not the hospital gown. Without even realizing she rested her hand near her scar. She closed her eyes, remembering that day her father was done, "O, are you ready to go," Max asked, standing by the hospital room door.

Olivia opened her eyes and let out a shaky breath "yes, I want to get out of here," she said with a small smile. Olivia walked up to Max and closed the door of the hospital room. She didn't want to go back ever again; she hated hospitals.

Max walked close beside her; she had a small smile on her face; Max was happy to finally have her sister back home. She tried to hide it, but she was extremely worried during the time that Olivia was in a coma. She cares about her step-sister even though she sometimes doesn't show it or she doesn't tell her she loves her very often.

The two girls walked out of the hospital to the parking lot, where Billy leaned back to his car, his arms crossed over his chest and looking somewhere else. Hearing footsteps coming closer to him, he looked to where the sound was coming from his shoulder relaxed, seeing that it was only Olivia and Max.

He saw his two sisters walking closer to him. Max with a smile on her face, and Olivia seemed like she was looking for someone. He opened the passenger door for Olivia "he will meet us at the house," Billy said as Olivia got in the car.

She looked up to Billy; he looked like he had a bored expression on his face but deep down, he cared for her. He was someone that didn't show his emotions often or sometimes at all; he didn't want to look weak; he was the man of the house now; he couldn't show any kind of imperfection.

Or at least that's how he was raised by his father that crying was for girls only, but he wasn't here anymore Neil was gone.

Billy closed the passenger door; Max took a seat in the back of the car as he walked around to the driver's seat. He put on his seatbelt and turned on the radio, his rock music playing loudly.

This reminded Olivia of her first days in Hawkins when it was just the three of them and Billy with his loud music probably arguing about something, but that was all in the past now.

Olivia had Steve, which she adores and Max had a bunch of friends she liked hanging out with.

As they were getting closer to her house, Olivia saw a familiar car parked in front of her home; she couldn't help but smile at it. She opened the door and got out of the car; at the same time, Steve got out of his own car and looked at her like she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Even though Olivia didn't feel beautiful that day, she was exhausted. She had big black bags under her eyes, and her hair was a mess, but Steve didn't care about any of that; he embraced her into a hug. He warped his arms around her and hugged her tightly; not wanting to let go of her, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the hug, enjoying that he was able to have her in his arms. He kissed her cheek "how are you feeling," he asked her, placing one hand on her shoulder.

That's something that she had been hearing so much since she woke up, she gave a different answer all the time because it changed how she was feeling, and sometimes she didn't want to be honest. If she was honest with her answer, things might get weird and awkward; how is she supposed to feel after everything she had gone through so; she smiled at him and said, "I'm good, just a bit tired." It was true she was tired; the hospital bed wasn't the most comfortable to sleep in; even though she was in a coma for three weeks it seemed it didn't help her; it felt like she hadn't slept in weeks.

He intertwined their hands together "good news is you can finally sleep in your own bed," he said, looking at her.

He wasn't sure what to say to her. He knew he cared and loved her, but he didn't want to annoy her by asking her so many questions. He didn't know how comfortable she was to talk about her father's death and what the mind flayer did to her.

"I cooked dinner," Billy said, walking in the middle of them, making them let go of each other. Olivia couldn't believe it. Billy cooking, that was new; maybe she was dead or maybe she was in another reality. "You cooked," Olivia with an eyebrow raised, said pointing her index finger at him. "Don't worry, I help him," Max said to her as she walked up to the front door. Billy simply flipped them off and walked into the house.

She chuckled lightly and walked to the door, but she stopped before she could take the first step inside the house. It was her first time back in the house after almost a month of not being there. Steve squeezed her hand lightly, letting her know she wasn't alone; he smiled at her, letting her know she could take her time.

"The food is getting cold," Billy yelled from the kitchen inside the house. She blinked "don't rush me, you ass," she yelled back at him and looked down at the step in front of her; she took a deep breath and walked in.

There was a long yellowish banner hanging that said welcome back, with one side higher than the other. Max had a bright smile and had a confetti popper as she stood underneath the banner; Billy was next to her and threw confetti at her.

Confetti fell on Olivia's head; she smiled at them; it was nice of Max and Billy for doing a little something welcoming her back home.

"Someone has to pick that up," Olivia said jokingly, pointing to the confetti on the floor as she made her way to the kitchen. Max and Billy looked at each other "not it," both siblings said in unison.

The four of them were in the kitchen at the dinner table, plates with food in front of them. It was odd as the four of them were starting to eat for obvious reasons, but none of them mentioned anything.

The food wasn't that bad; it was just a little salty, but when Max asked how the food was, she made Olivia smile and told her it was great. Max was very proud of herself, Billy was going to say something, but Olivia kicked him under the table.

They finished eating, and Steve stayed a little longer. Max suggested that they should watch a movie. As the four of them were in the living room watching an old movie that Olivia wasn't sure what the plot was even about, Billy had fallen asleep on the recliner Olivia was sitting next to Steve.

Her head rested on his chest while Max had her head on a small pillow that was on top of Olivia's thighs. Olivia was slowly brushing Max's hair with her fingers, and Max fell asleep shortly after.

For the first time in almost a month, Max was able to sleep rather rapidly; she felt safe near her older sister. It was going to be hard for things to go back to normal deep down, Olivia knew that was impossible, but somehow at that moment, they felt normal, just the four of them in the living room.

The room was filled with snores coming from Billy, Max, and now Steve. It looked like she was also going to have to sleep in the living room. She couldn't move without waking them up, she tried to move a little to get comfortable, and she fell asleep in Steve's arms, a place she felt was special and calming.

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