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The Russian soldiers had caught the three of them and pointed their guns at them; they didn't have another choice but to raise their hands in surrender. The soldiers had separated the three of them, each in a different room.

Olivia had her hands tied behind her back. She didn't know where Robin or Steve were and if they were fine. She was alone in the room for what felt like an hour, but it had only been 20 minutes.

Two Russian soldiers came into the room; Olivia sat up straight and only observed them as they walked closer to her. One of the soldiers looked at her tilting his head, "who do you work for," he said with an accent. She didn't say anything; her lips didn't move, only stayed in a line.

He walked closer to her, his hands behind his back, "who do you work for," he asked again. Once again, she didn't respond, her face showed no emotions. "How did you get in?" he asked, changing the question. Olivia looked at the soldier in front of her then at the other one that was against the wall but didn't answer the question.

He knew she was no use, "maybe we should ask that boy again," he said, looking at the soldier that was by the wall. He only nodded, and that's when Olivia saw his hands; he had blood on his knuckles. He smiled to himself, seeing that Olivia's facial expression changed once he mentioned the boy. He faced her again and said, "oh you like ice cream boy," he said, walking closer to her. "If you don't want us hurting that boy, tell us who you work for" he got closer to her face.

She wasn't going to say anything; they could hurt her all they wanted. It's not something new for her, but she didn't want them hurting Steve or Robin.

The man looked at the soldier and nodded; she quickly found out what that meant as her face was met with his fist. She spits out blood at his shoes and looks up at him. "Don't you dare hurt him," Olivia said firmly; it was the first thing she had said to them, this only made the soldier smile more, and he nodded once again to the other man. This wasn't going to end well for her.

Olivia's head hung, she had blood on her lip, and the side of her cheek was bruised. They had left her alone in the room around 10 minutes ago. Olivia's eyes were closed; her head was now resting on the wall behind her.

The door opened, and the soldier roughly threw Robin to the cold ground, "Get your hands off me!" she yelled back at the soldier, but he closed the door. "Oh my god, Olivia," Robin said, worried when she saw Olivia's face. She struggled as she got up, but that didn't stop her from walking to her. "Hey Olivia can you hear me," Robin said gently, moving her brown hair from her face.

Olivia flinched at the touch "it's me, it's Robin," she said and smiled at her when Olivia opened her eyes. "Oh hey Robin," Olivia said weakly. "What did they do to you," Robin said quietly, gently caressing her cheek.

Two soldiers drag Steve's body into the room where the two girls are in and throw him to the ground just like they did to Robin. Robin looks over her soldier and sees Steve on the ground; he doesn't move. "Hey Steve?" Robin said as she kneels next to him. Olivia looks at the scene in front of her; she can't look away from him. Steve doesn't move; he has blood on his face more than she does. She gets up and kneels on the other side of him, "Steve? What did you do to him?!" Olivia said angrily, looking up at the soldier. He simply slapped her across the face, "Olivia," Robin said, worried, looking at her friend.

"Put them in the chairs," the soldier said in Russian. The other soldiers move three chairs to the center of the room. One by one, they bring them to the chair and tie them together "don't touch me!" Robin said, trying to get free. "Steve, wake up. Steve?" The soldier holds Steve's head up and shakes his head. "Don't touch him," Robin said the soldier lets go and cleans his hands.

"What did you do?!" Olivia said, raising her voice. "I think ice cream boy needs a doctor," he said, looking at Olivia. "Good thing we have the very best," he said, walking up to Robin. The officers start to laugh; Robin spits at his face "you are going to regret that, little bitch," he told her. They walked out the door "bastards. Let us out of here! Let us out!" Robin yelled at them as they closed the door.

Olivia and Robin looked around, looking for something that could help them. "Look over there," Olivia told her, pointing with her head to the table where they had left a pair of scissors. "Yeah, that could work," Robin told her with a smile. "But how do we get them," Robin asked her.

"Shh, would you stop yelling." "I'm not yelling," Robin told him. "Steve," Olivia said with relief hearing his voice once again. "Steve Ar-Are you okay?" Robin asked.

"My ears are ringing, and I can't really breathe; my eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull, but, you know, apart from that, I'm doing pretty good." Hearing him talk once again made her want to hug him and not let go of him.

"Ollie, how are you," Steve asked, tilting his head seeing a bit of blood on her chin. "I'm good now that I know you're okay," she said with a small smile. "Well, the good news is that they're calling a doctor," Robin said awkwardly, chuckling.

"Is this his place of work? I love the vibe," Steve said, looking around with his good eye. "So, okay, do you see that table over there to your right?" Robin told Steve. "There's a pair of scissors, and Olivia and I were thinking that they could be useful." Steve nodded and looked left, "No, your other right." Steve now looked to the right and saw the table "if we move at the same time, we could get over there, and then maybe I could kick the table and knock them into your lap." "And I could cut the binds," Steve said, nodding to the plan. "Yeah, and we could get out of here."

"Let's do it then so, on the count of three, we're gonna hop," Olivia said. "Okay, good, hop on three," "Ready," Olivia said Steve, and Robin nodded.

"One, two, three," Olivia said it was working so far. "Uh, let's try again," Robin said. "One, two, three," this time Steve said. "Holy shit, this is gonna work!" Robin said, not believing it. "We're close. Ready? Okay, one, two, three," but the third time they fell to the ground, the three of them grunted; Olivia fell on top of both of them "sorry," she said when she heard Robin crying.

"Don't cry. Robin," Steve said, but Robin started to giggle. "Are you laughing?" Steve asked. Olivia tried to move to see if she was crying or actually laughing.

She continued to laugh louder "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. It's just I can't believe...I'm gonna die in a secret Russian base with Steve Hair Harrington." "Steve hair Harrington," Olivia asked, trying to look at Steve. "Not important," Steve said, shaking his head which made Olivia smile. "It's just trippy, man," Robin said. "Let me just think, alright, we will get out of here," Steve said.

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