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The door opened, and the soldier walked in. "Where were you three going?" he said, shaking his head looking down at them. The other two soldiers got them up and fixed the binds around them. "Try telling the truth this time, yes?" the soldier said, looking at Steve. "It will make your visit with Dr. Zharkov less painful," he said with his hand on Steve's chin, making him groan in pain.

He nodded toward Dr. Zharkov; the man walked toward them with a big syringe. "Wait a second. Wait. Hold on. Okay! Wait! What is that thing?" Steve said, panicking. "It will help you talk," Dr. Zharkov said, moving Steve's head to the side. "Did you even clean that thing?!" Steve said before he started to scream. "Steve!!"

When Dr. Zharkov was done with Steve, he moved on to Robin "no, get away!!" she said, trying to move far from him. Olivia heard her scream. Dr. Zharkov moved on next to her; she looked at him as he got closer to her, "I'm not going to tell you anything," she told him, shaking her head. He smiled at her, "you will," and he injected the blue liquid inside her neck.

The soldiers and the Doctor had left the room, Olivia didn't feel any different "I feel normal," Steve commented; Robin agreed and started to laugh. Steve and Olivia soon joined her; the room was filled with their laughter "there's definitely something wrong with us," Robin said with wide eyes.

Dr. Zharkov walked into the room with a black bag. He set the bag on top of the small table and got out a few tools. "Would now be a good time to tell you that I don't like doctors?" Robin said, scared when she saw the big knife. The Russian soldier didn't care "let's try this again, yes? Who do you work for?" he asked Steve. "Scoops." For some reason, that word sounded funny to her. "Scoops Ahoy," Steve said, giggling. "I work at Claire's," Olivia said, letting out a laugh.

"How did you find us?" "Totally by accident," Steve answered. He was growing annoyed "more lies," he said in Russian, looking at the doctor. Dr. Zharkov got a tool from the table "what is that shiny little toy?" Steve said, "Where are you going with that, doc?" Robin said, looking at the doctor.

Dr. Zharkov was walking up to Steve, but the officer shook his head. He stopped in front of Olivia, "Whoa, whoa, hey, hey. Wait! What are you doing," Steve asked. Olivia tried to move her hands from his grip; he wanted to take out her fingernails. "There was a code! We heard a code!" Robin said quickly.

"Code. What code?" he asked, and Dr. Zharkov stopped, but he didn't move. "The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. Blah, blah, blah. You broadcast that stupid spy shit all over town, and we picked it up on our Cerebro, and we cracked it in a day. A day!" Robin said. "And now, people know you're here," Robin finished by saying.

"Who knows we are here, little bitch?" he asked angrily. "Uh, well, Dustin knows," Steve said. "Hey, Steve?" Robin said, wanting him to stop talking. "Yeah, Dustin Henderson, he knows." Olivia gasped, "And that little girl America," she said with wide eyes, "no, wait, that's not her name," she said giggling, shaking her head.

"Steve! Olivia!" Steve laughed, "Dustin Henderson. It is your small, curly-haired friend?" the soldier asked, walking in front of Steve. "Oh, curly-haired. Great hair. Small. Kind of like a 'fro. Yeah," Steve said with a grin. "Dustin is great," Olivia added.

"Where is he?" "He's long gone, you big asshole. And he's probably calling Hopper, and Hopper's calling the US cavalry. They're gonna come in here, commando-style, guns a-blazin', and kick your sorry asses back to Russia," Steve said laughing. "He will kick your ass," Olivia added, throwing her head back with a chuckle. "Is that so?"

Alarms started to go off he left, leaving Dr. Zharkov behind with the three of them. Dustin comes rushing into the room, attacking the Doctor. "Hey! Henderson! That's crazy; I was just talking about you," Steve said, happy to see Dustin. "Erica," Olivia yelled when she saw her "that's her name," she whispered to herself.

"Get ready to run," Dustin said as he untied them. They began to run, which was upsetting Olivias stomach; she felt like she was going to throw up at any moment. "Come on, get in," Dustin said, looking at a small car Robin, Steve, and Olivia went in the back while him and Erica were in the front.

As Dustin was driving, not caring about having three passengers in the back, Olivia gasped "guys, I dont have a seat belt," she said, worried, looking beside her, but she had no luck. Robin and Steve moved around, but they couldnt find theirs either, "I dont have one either," Robin said. "Nope," Steve added.

"We are going to crash," Olivia said, raising her voice, "are we," Robin asked hesitantly, looking between Steve and Olivia.

"What is wrong with them?" Erica asked, looking at them over her shoulder. "I don't know," Dustin responded. "Dustin, watch out!" Erica said. Clearly, Dustin wasnt a good driver, Olivia yells, still scared she doesnt have a seat belt on, Steve hits his head and grunts in pain, and Robin just laughs at both of them.

"You guys good back there," Dustin said over his shoulder. Steve groans, Olivia is holding on tight to whatever she can, and Robin bumps her head into Steves head. "Ow," Steve and Robin said, holding their heads.

Without even realizing the car stops, and Dustin opens the back door, "Come on. We gotta go, now," he yells, trying to rush them.

"We're coming!"

"Dont yell at me!"

"This sucks."

"Here goes nothing," Dustin said, walking to the elevator they were once in holding the key card. Dustin and Erica struggle to get the three teens in; they were acting like children. "Hey! You look like you're surfing!" Steve was on top of a trolley "wow, it does," Olivia said, amazed.

"They seem drunk," Erica told Dustin. "Why would they be drunk?" Dustin said. Both of them were on the other side of the elevator watching the three teens play around.

"I'm a natural! Check it out!" Steve said, and then he fell on top of Olivia, both of them falling to the ground. "Ow, Steve, you hurt my chin," Olivia said, rubbing her chin. "Sorry, Ollie," Steve said, giggling. He kissed her cheek and quickly got up, wanting to surf again.

Before he goes, Dustin holds him and places his hand on his forehead, "He's burning up." "You're burning up," Steve said to Dustin as he tries to move. Dustin checks his good eye. Olivia watched intensely with furrowed eyebrows, "Ow!" Steve complains, "his pupils are super dilated," Dustin said, looking at Erica.

"Maybe he's drugged." Dustin looked back at Steve, "Boop!" Steve said as he softly touched Dustin's nose with his index finger. Dustin carefully slaps Steve and asks, "are you drugged?"

"How many times, Dad? I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana," Steve responded for some reason, making Olivia laugh. "This isn't funny, okay?" Dustin said, looking at Olivia; she quickly stopped laughing. Dustin looks back at Steve "I need to know what they did to you. Are you gonna die on us?" Steve only boops his nose.

"We all die, my strange little child friend. It's just a matter of how and when," Robin said, playing with her hair.

Olivia panicked, "I cant die; Maxie needs me, and I know I can bother Billy so much more," Olivia said, looking at Robin, which she simply shrugged.

Dustin shook his head; he cant with them right now. "They're gonna be looking for us up there, so I need you to tell me where you parked your car," Dustin said, looking at Steve. "Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?" He said, ignoring Dustins question.

"I would kill for a hot dog on a stick," Robin said. "Yes, I would love a burger right about now," Olivia said, with that, her worried about dying leaving her mind. "All right. Yeah, food. Yes, you can have as much food as you want, but only if you tell me where your car is parked," Dustin said anything just so Steve would talk.

Robin and Olivia excitedly nodded and looked at each other with the biggest smile. "Uh-oh. The car's off the board. They took the keys. The Russians, they took the keys. Like, forever ago," Steve said, showing Dustin his empty pockets.

Dustin and Erica looked disappointed "wait but can I still have my burger," Olivia asked but by the way that Dustin was looking at her; she knew that was a no.

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