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Olivia was busy catching up on everything she had missed in her classes when she was gone. She had to go to school early in the morning to take a few tests she had missed.

Those days Steve was the one that gave her a ride to school since Billy didnt want to wake up earlier than he had to. When she got home after school, she would eat before her father got home, not wanting to see him.

On the weekend, when he didnt work, she would see him on the sofa watching tv; she flinched and felt like she couldnt breathe, she ran out of the house to get fresh air. She hated feeling that way; she hated the power her father had on her. Taking deep breaths outside her house, Olivia noticed how she was starting to cry. "Shit," she said, cleaning her tears with her hand.

She took a seat on the step in her front yard. She didnt want to go back in the house, she enjoyed how quiet it was outside, how the wind moved the leaves on the trees and how cloudy it was, and the sun was not too bright.

The door opened, Billy walked out of the house and sat next to Olivia. He got out a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket. He held the cigarette between his two lips and brought the lighter closer. He looked at Olivia for a second and brought his cigarette to his lips once again.

"You will die if you continue to smoke," she said, not looking at Billy. "We will eventually die, Olivia," Billy said as smoke came out of his mouth. She was quiet again; it was true everyone eventually dies.

Billy looked at her as she went quiet again; she was different after that day. She talked less, and they had fewer arguments. He couldn't lie that he missed her and fighting with her. They are siblings; that's what they do.

Even when they were younger, and their parents were still together, they would fight about the little things. Billy would mess with her toys Olivia would hide his things. Just sibling things. Billy remembered the first time their parents fought and how he would bring Olivia to his room and distract her by playing a game, or he would let her touch his toys which he never did.

They had a good sibling bond, but then their mother left, and Susan and Max came along. He didnt like it, but he was getting used to them then his father decided to move to Indiana. Out of all places he decided Indiana, it was boring, and he hated it.

He threw his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. "Come on, let's go," Billy said, getting up and walking to his car. Olivia looked at him weirdly as he opened the car door. "Get in the car, Olivia." It was either staying at the house where her father was or going with Billy to who knows where.

She got in the car. "Where are we going," Olivia asked, looking at her brother. "I dont know." They drove for around 30 minutes. It was quiet but not awkward. They stopped at a gas station. "Come on," Billy said as he opened the door.

Olivia was taken back by Billys behavior. As they entered the small store, she saw how Billy went to the chip aisle. Billy looked around, trying to find his favorite chips; he got two bags.

He saw how Oliva only watched him "are you going to get something," he asked her with his two bags of chips in his hand. "You are going to buy whatever I want," she asked, making sure that she was following what Billy was trying to say. "Yes, and hurry before I change my mind."

There was a small smile on Olivia's lips as she went to the candy section. She got a Hersheys chocolate bar, Dubble Bubble Gum, Smarties, and M&Ms. After she got everything she wanted, she went to the line where Billy was getting ready to pay. "You only got candy," Billy said, looking at what Olivia was holding in her hand. "And you only got chips."

"Next," the worker said. Olivia and Billy placed their items on the counter. "Your total is going to be $4.87." Billy got out his wallet and gave the man a five-dollar bill. Olivia got the bag, and Billy got the change. "Have a good day," the worker said as the two siblings made their way to the door. "Yeah, you too," said Billy, putting his wallet in his back pocket.

In the car, Billy got his chips out of the bag and started to eat them. Olivia opened her M&Ms bag and poured a few in her mouth. "Disgusting," Billy said, taking another chip to his mouth. "You want one," Olivia said, sticking her tongue out showing him a few half-eaten M&Ms. Olivia quickly closed her mouth, feeling that the chocolates were going to fall out of her mouth. She laughed, bringing her hand to her mouth.

"Olivia, you better not make a mess in my car."

"You are the one making a mess in your car," Olivia said, pointing at Billys legs having chip crumbs. "Ugh," she laughed again.

She felt better; it was strange that spending time with her older brother made her feel less shitty.

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