Pragya's Hope of Life VS Abhi's Real Family (The End)

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The story starts from Satya Narayan Mansion

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The story starts from Satya Narayan Mansion...

Dad... Dad... Look at me na... Your best friend is here... Says abhi worriedly seeing his father lies on the bed unconsciously...

Satya slowly opened his eyes and uttered abhi...

Abhi took his hand and says Haan papa it's your abhi only... Few tears left from his eyes... Niranjala sat beside her husband and asks Satya you alright... Even though she looks so arrogant when it's comes to her husband she will be broken because he is the only one who will accept and understand her like no one... Without him she is nothing that's why when doctor said he is under lot of stress and he want to see his son and their granddaughter without any thought leaving her ego sent her PA to bring abhi with his family...

Satya looked around to find pragya with his granddaughter standing before him relaxing seeing him alright and his son and wife on either side worriedly looking at him then doctors and nurses standing beside him...

He slowly uttered I want to speak to abhi alone...

Others nods and left while Niranjala sat there... Satya looks on which she understand it and left the place...

Abhi: dad...

Satya: go and lock the door... Abhi nods and does like he said... Once the door was locked and abhi sat beside him he removed the oxygen mask and the wires which was connected on his body and the strips... Abhi was confused with his act and asks dad what are you doing...

He sat beside abhi and hugs him tightly saying I missed you abhi...

Abhi hugs him back by saying I missed you too papa....

Breaking the hug abhi asks dad you..

Satya: I am completely alright beta... Everything was a drama to bring you, my Bahu and my granddaughter inside our house... I know your Maa's ego will never let you all inside our house this was the only way left us...

Abhi: dad you're crazy... You know how scared I was... Already I lost my brother now you... He starts to cry like a baby... Satya pulls him into a hug by consoling him...

Satya: buddy I am not old to leave you... Don't worry... I will see my great granddaughter's marriage before that I will not close my eyes...

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