Mumma's boy weds Papa's girl - part 2

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The story starts with abhigya who is sleeping peacefully sleeping by hugging each other

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The story starts with abhigya who is sleeping peacefully sleeping by hugging each other...

Abhi stirred from his sleep when he heard a rock song in a full volume... Abhi opened his eyes and turns to the side from where he heard that sound... Abhi took pragya's mobile and turned off the alarm then turns to her who didn't even disturbed from her sleep...

Abhi's lips curved into a smile while seeing her cute face

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Abhi's lips curved into a smile while seeing her cute face... Don't know how they turned into this position but he loved it...

He slowly called her for few times but when she didn't opened her eyes abhi pats her which makes her to come out of the beautiful sleep... She stretched her head to see him within his arms...

Abhi: if you don't want to wake so early then why you set the alarm...

Pragya's eyes widened and asks is alarm rang... Abhi nods... Pragya hurriedly got up and says then why I didn't hear... You snoozed it in a first ring itself... "she says seeing her mobile" Oh god I am getting late...

Abhi: for what...

Pragya: jogging... She runs to freshen up...

Abhi is totally surprised and even he got up from his sleep...

After few minutes pragya comes in her tracksuit and stops by hearing abhi...

Abhi: wait for me I will come in few minutes...

Pragya: even you're a jogging person...

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