137 - Aftermath Of War

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"T...thank you." Xena quietly nodded.

Julia looked at me, before glancing at Lily. "Can I speak to you...alone?" She asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. I looked towards Lily and Xena, switching to Japanese. "You two go up to Erica. I'll be right there."

Lily cast me a concerned glance. I responded with a reassuring smile to let her know everything is fine. She nodded, taking Xena upstairs.

Now it was just her and I.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked her.

"First, I just wanted to thank you for everything." She stated. "For helping us with the Du Lac's, for helping open my eyes, and...for being there for Erica when I wasn't."

"You do care for her, don't you?" I asked.

"I do." She nodded. "But I'm a terrible mother, and you helped me realize that I need to get better. Currently, my relationship with Erica is better than it ever has been before. So, thank you."

"It's no problem." I shook my head. "I just had to help someone I love."

"You're a good man." She smiled. "And now for the second thing...what are you going to do with her?"

"Xena?" I asked for clarification.

"Yes." She nodded. "She seemed really attached to you, and for some reason she's with you instead of the other orphans."

"She's...the sole survivor of the ones experimented on." I clarified, gaining a gasp of horror in response from Julia.

"All of her friends..." Julia whispered.

"Gone." I sighed. "She didn't personally know the other orphans, and she wanted to come with us to help. Though Erica had that handled."

"That's terrible." Julia shook her head. "So what's your plan?"

"I don't know." I sighed. I took out an usb. "Apparently the scientists thought she was extremely important, that's what Lily understood from what she could translate."

"The info is held in here, and I will check it. But I don't know what to do with Xena herself. I don't think giving her back to the Orphanage is a good idea, but then what else..?" I started to think to myself.

I was going to ask Irene what she thought.

"I have an idea." Julia stated.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Someone adopts her. Someone she likes." Julia stated.

"So, we do possible parent meetings? I don't like the sound of that." I replied.

"No." Julia shook her head, a smile on her face. "I know the perfect person."

"Who?" I questioned. "I want to meet them first."

She gave me a teasing smile, pointing her finger at me.

"Wait...what?" I replied, confused. "Me?"

"I believe you would make a great father." She smiled. "You barely know her, and yet you're thinking so seriously about her."

"And, the two people she's the most attached to are you and Lily. Everybody else she shies away from. I think you are the perfect person for this." She stated.

"I...I don't know." I replied. "I'm only 17."

"It is a big responsibility, so I understand if you don't want to do it." She smiled. "But I have a feeling you will."

"Let me...let me think about it." I told her.

"Alright." She nodded. "And as for your return to Japan, we've booked a plane for you all to go back in a couple days."

"Thank you." I replied.

"No, thank you." She smiled. "Now go have a good nights sleep. I want to get to know my future son-in-law and granddaughter before they leave."

I let out a small chuckle, heading upstairs and leaving her. I thought about what she said. Could I really be a good father? Well, if I don't act like Kyle's or Erica's father than I should be good...

I should...I should call Irene now. See what she thinks.

I entered the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I pulled out my phone, putting in Irene's number.

She immediately picked up. "Ken?" She asked. "Is something wrong? Do I need to come to America?"

"No, we got everything handled." I told her. "Well, everything except for one thing. That's why I'm calling, I want to hear your opinion."

"Alright." Irene replied. "What is it?"

I told her the story about the orphans, Xena, her strange powers, and what Julia had suggested to me. I told her everything, hoping that she would have some good advice.

"Hmm..." Irene hummed. "When you get back, I'll analyze that usb. Also, I want to adopt her."

"You haven't even met her." I sweatdropped. "Why do you try to adopt everyone? First Hel, then even Fenrir, and now Xena."

"Have I ever told you my wish?" Irene asked. "It's a sentiment shared by Iris and I. We haven't really told anyone else."

"I don't think so." I replied. "What is it?"

"We wish for a big family." Irene stated.

"Really?" I wondered.

"Yes." Irene affirmed. "As you know, our family wasn't the best with our brother and father. We had a small, broken family. That's why I want a large, happy family. And Iris also thinks this way."

"This is why I'm fine with Erica and the others." Irene stated. "While I would like you all to myself...I don't hate them. And in time, I'll learn to love them like sisters."

"I see." I felt a smile grow on my face.

A large, happy family. I have to say, the idea does appeal to me. After everything I've been through and seen. And I'd love to introduce them to Kira.

Though I'd then have to explain how I'm the fusion of two people...

"So, you think I should adopt her?" I asked.

"Yes." Irene stated. "And Mother agrees."

"Of course she does." I sighed. Isabella is always nagging me to get her grandbabies. "Well, thanks Irene. I'll think about it some more. We'll be back in a couple days. Love you."

"Love you too." Irene replied. "And when you get back, I will drain you dry. I miss you."

"Right." I sweatdropped, hanging up. Seriously, I've only been gone a couple days.

I let out a small laugh. I missed her too.

I exited the bathroom, heading to the guest room where I'm guessing Lily and Xena are now after seeing Erica. Entering the room, I silently closed the door behind me.

Lily and Xena were cuddling together, asleep on the bed. It was adorable.

I set out my sleeping bag, crawling into it. I laid on the floor, placing a pillow under my head. I stared up at the ceiling, thinking about it.

A large, happy family, huh...

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! [Volume 2]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz