Part 6

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January 17

Adrien had just gotten off a call with Mrs. Tsurugi confirming what Kagami told him yesterday. To say that he was excited would be a massive understatement.

"Plagg, we are free." Adrien was yelling out. Plagg held back on the snarky remark he had for his chosen, Plagg was just as exited that his holder just got to be free of this place.

"Yeah, what are you going to do first kid?" Plagg asked before throwing a slice of cheese in his mouth whole.

"First we need to pack everything that I want to take. Then we are going to take those and tell my father that I am gay before leaving very quickly. After that I am going to break up with Lila and go ask Luka on a date." Adrien listed, grabbing his phone and texting Lila to meet him near Luka's houseboat in an hour.

"Wow, are you sure? It took you months to ask out Ladybug." Plagg asked confused at his holders 180 in personality.

"You don't get it Plagg, I am finally free to make my own choices and make my own dreams. I might not get this opportunity again, and I have been wanting to ask him out since we started playing music together. I'm not going to let fear stop me anymore, Plagg. Now help me pack. I don't want to have to come back, and I want to be in a place that excepts me as fast as possible." Adrien answered throwing things that he liked in his duffle bag.

"Say no more kid." Plagg answered, happy with this change in his holder, not that he would admit it.

Adrien finished packing with Plagg, in the end he had his whole life packed into one medium duffle bag, his fencing bag, and his school backpack. Plagg hid in his coat and waited for the freedom to come.

Adrien walked down the stairs jubilantly, he saw his father walk out of his office.

"Father may I speak to you about something regarding Miss. Rossi?" Adrien asked, knowing that his father wouldn't talk to him about anything else.

"What about Miss. Rossi?" Gabriel responded coldly, not even looking at his son who continued to walk to the door.

"I am breaking up with her in 40 minutes." Adrien said at the door ready to leave the moment it was time.

"You will not. You have no reason to. Return to your room." Gabriel commanded him, before starting to ascend the stairs.

"I have a reason. I am gay Father. I am also moving in with the Tsurugis' home, till I find my own place." Adrien told him firmly. Grabbing the handle on the door.

"No, you are not. I did not rase something so horrid. Go to your room now!" Gabriel yelled at him, finally looking at his only son, seeing the three bags he cared and the determined face on him.

With that one last look at the last true blood family, he had left he walked out of the place he once called home for the last time.

He quickly made his way throw the city and to meet with Lila.

"Adrien, how are you? I didn't expect this surprise date. Are we going swimming or on a picnic?" Lila talked the moment she saw him arrive, confused at the bag he had on him.

"No, and I won't be going on any more dates with you ever again." Adrien told her.

"What, Adrien you don't mean that. Are you really breaking up with me?" Lila pleaded wile fake crying.

"Yes, I am. I am not attracted to you in the slightest. My father made me date you. I don't even like you as a friend anymore. You are a lying, manipulative, fake woman who doesn't care who you hurt. I would request that unless we have to talk together in class that we don't speak or see each other." Adrien continued with his determation. After that was said and Lila was left staring at him in shock, he turned and left. Smiling wider that he had, since he saw his mom.

He keeps walking humming to himself happily. He walked on to the houseboat and right to the front door, or in this case the only door that led below deck. He knocked on the door.

It opened, "Adrien, um, what is with the bags?" Luka asked looking at Adrien with a backpack on, a bag flung over both solders, slightly disheveled hair and the biggest smile he had ever seen on the other boy. To say the least, Adrien looked a little crazy now.

"Long story short, I'm out." Adrien told Luka, before he laughed slightly in slight disbelief that this day was really happening.

"What do you mean? Did you come out?" Luka asked still a little confused and unclear on what was going on with his crush.

"Yeah, and I left, Kagami's mom said I could move in with them and be out. I just broke up with Lila. Today is the most amazing... wait second most amazing day of my life. After getting Plagg of course. I'm, I'm free." Adrien said smiling wider, his smile was so big and bright it almost rivaled the sun.

"That is amazing, congratulations. Why aren't you going their now?" Luka inquired, now understanding his crazed look.

"I needed to do this first." Adrien answered, more exited for the future than he has ever been.

"Do what?" Luka asked once again confused.

"Would you go out with me?" Adrien asked with more confidence that he imagined that he had.

"I would love to. When would you like to go?" Luka asked.

"Doesn't matter to me. But I should probably go to the Tsurugis' house first." Adrien answered gesturing to the bags.

"Here, if you let me grab my things and lock up, I will walk with you." Luka offered.

"Yeah, that would be great. Where is Juleka, wouldn't she be here?" Adrien asked, only now noticing the lack of his other friend and Luka's sister.

"Oh, she is out on a date with Rose." Luka called back from his room, grabbing his things.

"That is nice." Adrien told him while Luka locked up the houseboat.

"Here, give me one of those." Luka requested one of the bags. Adrien blushed at his kindness and handed him one of his bags, as they started to walk to Adrien's new home, chatting away at anything they could.

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