Chapter Six

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I was grateful that the excitement of the day was confined to that one patient

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I was grateful that the excitement of the day was confined to that one patient. After he left it was back to the same old dehydration, muscle aches, and the odd spectator coming in with minor ailments. Piper was back on her feet, and damn if she didn't look good in my top.

As the crowds dispersed, the flow of patients slowed until the race was finally over and it was just the three of us tidying up the tent.

"Alright, well it was nice to meet you both." Angie smiled at us as she pulled her purse over her shoulder and across her body.

"See you around." I gave her a small wave as I packed my stethoscope.

I pulled my bag over my shoulder as Piper peered out the tent. I figured she was looking for her sister. Rain had begun to fall, getting heavier by the second.

"You need a ride?" I asked as she peered down at her phone.

"Um, I don't think so." She shrugged. "My sister said she'd be back, but she's always notoriously late."

She looked slightly annoyed as she crossed her arms.

"Okay." I slid my bag off my shoulder and sat on the table she had been working at. "How about some company while you wait?"

She cocked an eyebrow. "You don't seem to be leaving me much choice."

I chuckled. Caught.

An awkward silence fell between us. She looked down at her phone again just as I felt mine vibrate. I pulled it out - a message from my dad asking how my day went. I quickly replied "fine", but really I wanted to ask if he had seen my patient from earlier. I wondered how he was doing; if he made it through the surgery alright.

"I'm sorry about what happened." 

"What do you mean?"

"The beyond humiliating way my body reacted to that man's injury." Her cheeks began to redden.

I couldn't help but laugh. Her brows knit together.

"Sorry, it's just, I've seen doctors react the same way or worse." I shrugged.

Her eyes widened. "Really?"

I nodded. "How often do you think a Psychiatrist deals with something like that? Or a dermatologist?"

She pressed her lips together.

"Even I don't really see injuries that serious," I continued.

"But you were so smooth."

Her response made my chest puff slightly.

"My patients tend to come after the worst of the trauma is over."

"Well, you looked like you do that all the time."

"I'm glad I can fool people." I smiled.

She let out a small giggle. I liked the sound.

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