Chapter Three

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 I jumped, pushing the ball off my fingertips and watched as it soared through the air

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 I jumped, pushing the ball off my fingertips and watched as it soared through the air. Come on, come on, come on. I bit my lip as the ball slid through the net.

"Swish!" Adam yelled.

Idiota!" Spencer called out to Adam. "He and Declan just won!"

"Oh shit. Really?" Adam looked confused.

Declan chuckled as he grabbed his water bottle and began to drink from it. I walked over and grabbed my discarded t-shirt and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Whose brilliant idea was it to play basketball in this heat?" I picked up my own water and took long drinks of it.

"Those two buffoons." Declan gestured to Spencer and Adam.

I shook my head as Spencer spun around Adam before taking a shot at the net. It hit the rim bouncing off and flying towards the fence. Spencer let out a string of Spanish as he ran over to get the ball.

"So." I turned my attention back to Declan. "Was it Jillian who called last night?"

"Yeah." Declan pulled his bag closer to him, dropping his bottle into it. "She normally does after she sees her therapist."

"Maybe you should--" I began.

"I'm going to stop you right there, Reed." Declan held his hand up. "I'm really okay."

I pressed my lips together.

"Fuck Reed." Declan rolled his eyes.

He knew I was biting my tongue.

"Spence! Adam!" Declan called before I could say anything further.

Our two friends came over. Spencer tossed the ball at me and I fumbled the catch.

"Let's go for drinks," Declan declared. "The hangout?"

Adam scrunched his face. "Can we go somewhere closer?"

"There's a little bar just a couple blocks from my place," I offered. "It's a little more fancy than our usual."

"Yeah, I guess Reed's is the closest to here." Spencer shrugged.

"So let's go to my place, clean up then head out," I suggested.

The others nodded their heads before they began to collect their things. Just as I was zipping up my bag I noticed a gleam of light red hair. I followed it along the chain link fence willing it to turn. Slowly the hair moved and I could see the tip of the woman's nose. I bit my lips as the rest of the face came into view.

It wasn't her.

It wasn't her

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