Faris wore a loose shirt, white like the snow that slowly lost its glimmer while the sun went down and took the last shimmer of oranges from the bright looking blanket.

His eyes were unfocused, staring at everything and nothing at all with his brows drawn together and blond strands of hair tied up in a messy bun that reminded Levi of Hanji's own.

Levi just stood there, not sure if the servant had noticed him at all.

The darkness slipped inside the room, dressing Faris in a coat of black with only the flames of the candles on the walls as a source of light. They threw their mysterious shadows on him and Levi watched them dance on his skin.

Suddenly a smirk tugged at the boy's lips.

He turned his head only a tad to the left.

Their eyes locked.

Levi didn't dare to breath.

The tension between them was almost unbearable.

They stared at each other, neither of them ready to break the bond that flickered between them like a ribbon tying their fates together. A fate, Levi wasn't ready to see yet.

"Come closer." Faris' words were nothing but a whisper. He titled his head, a gesture so gentle and innocent that Levi had a hard time seeing him as the enemy. "You have questions." It was a statement. A fact. One Levi wouldn't even try to deny.

"And yet you are the one who called me here.", he rasped, unmoving. "I take it, you have your questions as well?"

Faris's smirk grew wider before it dissipated without so much as a warning.

"I do."

"Then ask."

A dark laugh, sharp like knives and smug enough to make Levi frown. Those eyes never moved away from his and Levi found that he didn't want to look away.

"You are blunt." He put a hand on his hip, taking his appearance in – the uniform that hugged his body like a second skin and the belt wrapped around his waist. "I like it."

Levi overplayed the approaching redness of his otherwise pale face with an irritated noise and asked: "Why did you want to meet me alone? Is this some game of your prince?"

At the mention of His Royal Highness, Faris' features became serious once more. He sighed and the amusement faded from his eyes. All that was left was a small frown.

"What makes you think he's playing with you?"

Levi didn't answer.

Faris was the first one to move. He took one step after another, his movements dangerously slow and his gaze never wavering. Something about the servant reminded Levi of a hawk ready to catch his prey and he ignored the shudder that wanted to run over his back at the thought.

"He isn't playing with you.", the servant muttered. "He is waiting."

"For what?"


"For you to choose a side."

Levi shook his head, irritation flickering over his stone-like face.

"What are you fucking talking about, you little shit?"

Faris stopped at once. Only a few feet kept them apart. The boy crossed his arms behind his back, giving him an aura of authority.

"It's not important. Not yet. Ask your questions and I will follow with mine."

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