Chapter 78

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Eren POV

Their journey took them across mountains, over frozen paths and through some trees, standing alone in the wild like they wanted to lure them far away from the location Kou led them to.

Armin was shivering in front of him and curled up against Eren involuntarily with his friend's arms tight around his small body. Eren sighed and saw the air escape from his mouth in a small cloud.

Their horses whinnied lowly, moving their heads with every step as they carried them up the serpentines, stony and not big enough for two horses next to each other.

"Does she know where she's taking us?", Armin whispered. Eren didn't answer but held on tighter as he was craving the bit of heat from his friend just as much with his hands around his mare's mane.

"Hold on a bit longer.", Kou shouted at them over her shoulder. Mikasa snorted behind them in quiet disbelief.

Yet it was like Kou had called out to the Gods above and after they rounded the next corner of the stony mountain, a flickering light broke through the mist that had accompanied them the whole way.

The wind picked up and Eren suppressed a shiver.

"That's it. We're nearly there!", Kou shouted and even she couldn't keep the relief out of her voice. She made a clicking sound and the pace of her horse became faster. They followed her, shielding themselves with their arms against the wind.

It was eerily quiet if one ignored it's whistling.

"Guys!", Kou shouted with her hand cupping her mouth. "I'm back!"

Eren and Mikasa shared a doubtful gaze. They might have trusted Kou enough to follow her but they had yet to find out what she wanted to show them so badly that she risked getting arrested by the guards of the palace.

"Are you...are you sure they are...still there?", Armin asked with quivering lips and hugged himself. Kou didn't answer but urged her horse forward.

A sudden noise next to them startled Eren's horse and the animal snorted irritated while trying to get away from the danger that was hiding in those bushes. It came close to the edge of the road but Eren managed to calm it down just as they were about to fall.

"Who are they?", a voice rang through the silence. "Why aren't you alone?"

Eren froze.


It couldn't be.

"It's me, you idiot.", Kou answered with a snort and fondly shook her head. "Do you really think I would lead the enemy directly to our hideout?"

"I was sure she would.", another voice joined them.

Eren gasped for air, his eyes wide and he turned around to seek out Mikasa's glare. But she was just as baffled.

"Kou...", he said with a raspy voice and both voices were instantly quiet, giving him time to formulate his words. "Where...where do you usually pick up your revolutionaries?"

The girl watched him with her brows drawn together. "Whoever wants to join may do so after they have proven themselves to be useful to our cause. We pick them up along the way. Why?"

The bushes next to them rustled. Eren jumped down from his horse, his legs still wobbly. He wouldn't believe it. Wouldn't give himself the chance to hope. Not when there was still a chance, he could face disappointment again.

He swallowed and searched for the people the voices belonged to but couldn't make them out in the mist. Mikasa followed his example and regained her footing a lot faster than he had.

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