"Just one more time Noor, please." He begs, pressing his hands together.

    "Oh my god."

    This guy never learns. He always complains about getting in trouble but continues to get in trouble, he's a living contradiction. I swear, what an ass.

    "Noor, I swear this will be the last time I ask you for help. Emanuel already knows so you won't take the blame anyway. Promise." Andrew rambles.

    I look up from the floor, noticeably annoyed with his voice and stare at his annoying face. He shouldn't have applied here if he was so against the 'rich'. Honestly, what was he expecting? Yes, he's great at doing his job and when we first met I didn't have a problem with him but, as time went on my tolerance for him practically disappeared.

    Leaning on one leg, I extend my hand. My eyebrow raising; unamused.

    Andrew furrows his eyebrows, "What does that mean?".

    "$50, pay up or I won't cover for you." I state.

    "You're serious?".

    "Does it look like I'm kidding?"

    A moment of staring passes until Andrew sighs, reaching into his bistro apron and slapping his cash into the palm of my hand. I gladly fold the money and place it into my own pocket. Wasting no more time on Andrew, I turn away, leaving the bar; deciding to see how the other floors were doing.

    I exited the back bar, entering the purple lit floor and was met with the music parading through my body from my feet to my head. I managed to get through the crowd and onto an elevator to the next floor up to Red Arena where I met some of my other coworkers I've made friends with.

    On my way I stopped for a quick chat before going about. Red Area had everyone needed tonight, I didn't need to stay longer and since Blue Clover was the first VIP area, the only way to get there was through the stairs in the back of the floor. I walked up to the security guard, Benito.

    "Hey Benito." I greeted as he stepped aside.

    "Good seeing you, Noor."

    "Take care!" I waved, walking past him and up the stairs.

    Blue Clover was extraordinary, it's energetic lights flashing around the floor and the tint of blue reached every corner. It looked unreal and personally it was my favorite. I found myself on this floor often comforted by its radiance and mystical ambiance. All of the floors were stunning and way out what I could ever afford but Blue Clover, it was as if I entered a new world each time I entered. Besides, it was by far the calmest floor to work.

I made my way to the bar, making my place quickly when a hand slapped sharply on the counter next to me. My shoulders flinched up. Goddamn it. I sighed under the music and turned around with a bright smile.
    Emanuel, my boss, stood in front of me with a scowl on his face. His eyebrows furrowed so tightly, the creasing lines in his forehead deepened.

"Good evening E-man." I greeted casually. Maybe this will lighten his mood.

"Noor." He sternly says.

I chuckle, backing up closer to the counter of the bar.

"This is the fourth time I've gotten a complaint about you and your attitude."

"I thought Andrew told you-".

"Fix it or you're out. I'm not gonna tell you again." he cut me off with a clear voice, glaring at me on his way out.

I roll my eyes and push myself off the counter, going to the sink and thoroughly washing my hands; the music pounding through my chest and vibrating through my body. Lights repeatedly flashing over the room.

    Never ever covering for him again. I knew I brought this to myself the minute I heard Andrew was looking for me. I should've known Andrew would never step up for his mistakes, instead lay it on me. But I was not expecting Emanuel to be that upset with me. Andrew must've fucked up bad. Deciding against thinking about an angry Emanuel any further, I turned on my heel with a friendly smile.

Taking orders another hour into the night, I enter the back bar once again and place the circular tray I carried on the counter. I sighed out to myself and wiped my hands down with a clean towel.

A sudden chill ran down my body, one that turned my body sensitive in a matter of seconds. Goosebumps rose uncomfortably on every inch of me, a cold shiver ran up and down my body like a fever. My heart seemed to be pumping louder than the music.

I snapped my head up and scanned the floor, eerily searching anything that would solve this shaken up state of mine when my eyes scored in on a dark corner opposite from the room. Emitting the same feeling I was experiencing, except stronger.

Eyes peered from the darkness or at least that's what it seemed to be. I could be wrong. The longer I stared into the dark corner, the more tense my body became.

I gulped and looked down.

It feels like I'm being watched.

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