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Third Person's POV

Lyra was at Oceanside with Daryl. Y/n was supposed to come but Michonne asked her to stay back, just in case the Whisperers attacked. Daryl had been teaching Lyra how to use a bow. Currently they were training. Judith went off and killed a walker

"Watch your ranks. Watch your files" Aaron said as Judith came back. Lyra was walking next to Connie and Kelly. Judith was in front of Lyra walking as she held her katana

"To the right" Aaron said. As they approached the shipwreck, Ezekiel opened the door, allowing walkers to come out. They were all soggy, the walkers were. The people in the front with shields protected the people behind them. Ezekiel closed the door

"And halt! Drop!" Aaron yelled. Everyone crouched except for the archers in the last row. Lyra was in the first row of archers which was right in front of the last row. Kelly and Connie were crouching. Lyra wasn't because she wasn't that tall

"Archers!" Aaron yelled. Lyra got her bow ready. She pulled the string back as she held onto the arrow. Lyra, and the other archers shot at the walkers. Lyra hit one of them in the chest

"Your aim is getting better" Kelly said with a smile as she signed. Lyra found out recently that Connie was deaf, that was something she had to learn about. Lyra wondered if Connie was sad because she couldn't hear. Lyra found Connie really cool, she was so kind but she could also be a badass

"Thanks" Lyra said with a smile

"Retreat!" Aaron yelled. Aaron and two others broke rank to let Rachel and Cyndie out. The two girls ran out to retrieve their arrows

"Right! And march!" Aaron commanded. They all followed

"Archers, regroup" Dianne said as Cyndie and Rachel had collected all the arrows. They came back as everyone approached them. Ezekiel opened the door and allowed more walkers out. The rank opened so Cyndie and Rachel could re-enter

"Formation!" Kyle yelled as they ran in

"And halt!" Aaron commanded as the rank closed. Ezekiel closed the door

"Spears!" Aaron yelled. The people with spears came closer to the front of the rank. Right behind the shields. They waited for the walkers to get close

"Thrust!" Aaron commanded. The people with spears began to kill the walkers. There was one walker left. It was still on its way over. Alden backed up as he fixed his grip on his spear. He then threw it at the walker, killing it. Lyra stared at him as his back faced her. Lyra believed she needed a man like that. Though, Judith didn't enjoy Lyra's daydreaming

"Lyra, pay attention" Judith said as she turned around and looked at Lyra

"I-I was!" Lyra defended myself. Judith was not convinced. Ezekiel opened the door once more, cutting the girls conversation short. More walkers came out. Once a couple came out, Ezekiel closed it. Alden quickly retrieved his spear and came back into the rank

𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖄𝖔𝖚|| Daryl Dixon [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now