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I was helping Michonne and Carl look for Rick. As we were looking, something had caught Michonne's eye. She picked up a gun. It was Rick's gun. Me, Michonne and Carl looked at each other. That's when we heard footsteps. We turned to see Daryl. I smiled knowing it had been a while since we had last seen each other

"He ain't out here. I followed this to the ocean and back. Nothing out there, either. You good?" Daryl asked. I walked over to him and hugged him. He hugged back. Michonne smiled at the sight

"This one's been kicking the shit out of me every morning at 4:00. Can't sleep, anyways" Michonne said. We broke apart

"It's gonna be hard with another kid around" Carl said with a smile

"Judith's been asking about you" Michonne said. I sadly smiled

"Lyra has been, too.. she really misses you" I said

"It's been a while since we've seen you back at Alexandria" Michonne said

"I'll be back when I find something" Daryl said

"You don't have to find something to come back" Carl said. Michonne nodded in agreement

"Plenty of reasons to come back. Finding something doesn't have to be one of them" Michonne said

"Looks like I'm gonna be the only one out here for a while" Daryl said referring to Michonne's stomach

"I'll still come out" I said. He shook his head

"Lyra needs you" He said

"She needs you, too" I said. He shook his head

"I'll come back when I find something" He said

"You don't need to do that" Michonne said

"Michonne is right, it's okay" Carl said

"Ain't gonna stop looking. Not ever" Daryl said as he turned to walk away. I was sad to hear that but what could I do? Daryl was a grown man making his own decisions

"You okay being alone?" Michonne asked. Daryl nodded

"You three?" Daryl asked. I didn't respond

"I'm not" Michonne said before Daryl walked away. Once he was gone my lower lip began to tremble. Me and Michonne looked at each other. Both of us were ready to break down. We embraced each other as we both began to cry. Our reasons for crying were different but that didn't matter. Carl tried his best to be strong for the both of us

𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖄𝖔𝖚|| Daryl Dixon [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now