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We had made it back to Alexandria. Lyra was still upset with me and Daryl was still at Hilltop. Negan had escaped but returned. Michonne had called a meeting to discuss the secrets we kept from her

"Who else knew about this?" Michonne asked

"Just Eugene and Rosita. We would've told you if we'd found someone out there, but we didn't" Gabriel explained

"Then who knows who else was listening?" Michonne asked

"We weren't being careless with it" Gabriel said

"Rosita and Eugene went out to set up this relay and almost died because of it. Jesus did die because of it. Negan got out while you were distracted because of it! I can't do my job if the council is keeping things from me" Michonne said

"We gave you the power to veto the council based on security concerns, but now everything is a security concern. So our votes don't matter anymore, unless you agree with them" Gabriel said

"Putting ourselves out there when we don't have to is dangerous!" Michonne yelled

"But not knowing what's going on, can also be dangerous" I said

"Y/n is right. Cutting us off from the rest of the world is also dangerous. Who are we supposed to turn to when we need help? We can't be so worried about finding enemies that we lose our friends" Gabriel said

"And we did lose a friend. Look, we all set out with the best of intentions, but that doesn't change what happened. There's a new enemy out there, and they're exactly what Michonne was afraid we'd find. I don't regret the time that I spent out there with Jesus. I don't. And what happened.. Maybe that would've happened anyway. Maybe. But now we know what's out there, and we can't pretend otherwise. We put Michonne in charge of security for a reason. Her judgment has saved us time and again" Aaron said. I shook my head

"Yes, but at what cost? We saw Carol when we were at the Hilltop. And she told me that she tried asking Michonne for help with the fair again, and she said that you turned her down" Siddiq said

"Oh, so you're pissed that we keep secrets but you're doing the same?!" I asked angrily

"You can't compa-" Michonne was cut off

"You spoke on behalf of Alexandria?" Gabriel asked agitated. Michonne looked at him

"The question of the trade fair is old business" Michonne said

"Yes, but we have new information. Look, the fair starts the day after tomorrow, and it's not too late to reconsider. Carol says that the situation at the Kingdom is far worse than Ezekiel let on in his letter. They're too isolated, and they need the trade that this fair will bring" Siddiq said

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