Shai pretends to be offended while opening her mouth and putting her hand on her chest. "I can't believe you would say that... do NOT talk to me..." Me and Kat laugh as she skips away flipping her hair.

It was almost 8 at night so all of the building lights were able to be seen more clearly. I stopped on the sidewalk and decided to start taking some pictures. I got one picture of a lit up building from worm's eye view. I honestly thought it was really cool. Then I got another photo which was of Shai and Kat making a big heart with their arms.

We were walking down the street when all of a sudden Shai broke my thoughts.

"We should go get funnel cake fries!" She jumped around and ran inside the small building. Me and Kat both ran after Shai and when we walked in I was hit with the scent of pastry's.

"Um can we get 3 orders of funnel fries?" She asked the woman behind the counter and handed her a $20 bill. After a few minutes of waiting around and talking about the photos I took, we finally got our snack.

When we walked out we were hit with a really cold breeze.

"God I didn't realize how cold it actually was." Kat complains. I nod my head in agreement while rubbing my arms.

We were walking around for almost 10 minutes when we reached the hotel again. We all walked in and threw our trash away is the nearest garbage can.

We all had walked to the second floor together but once Shai and Kat both went to their rooms I had to go to the third floor.

When I walked out of the elevator I pull out my keys and start to unlock the door. While I was in the process of going in I could hear someone whispering around the corner.


I turn my head up and try to see if someone is there but I can't see anything. I quickly walk in and shut the door.

I throw my keys and jacket down on one of the chairs in the room. I step over to my suitcase and pull out a pair of gray sweatpants. I kick my shoes off and change. I take off all of my makeup and brush my teeth fairly quick.

When I'm done I crawl into bed and turn off the lamp.

Honestly this room is really perfect. It's kind of small but its big enough to fit one or two people. It has a TV, chairs, a twin size bed, a dresser, and a bathroom. There was even a microwave and stove.

At this point I was too tired to even think anymore so I fell asleep.


Today was the day that everyone was gonna hang out before we start preparing for the concert.

I had slipped on a black long sleeve and some gray pants that surprisingly had a lot of pockets. I had my brown leather jacket and my doc martens.

I had straightened my hair and put on a little makeup. When I felt ready I grabbed my bag and stepped out. I quickly locked my door and walked in the elevator.

When the elevator came to a stop, I walked out and knocked on Kat's door. When it opened I saw Shai standing there eating something. "You're here! Come on." She opened the door for me.

I sat down in one of the chairs and waited for Kat.

"Kat's in the bathroom by the way. She's just finishing her makeup." Shai spoke up.

After a minute or two, Kat walked out of the bathroom with finished makeup. "Sorry I took so long. I kept messing up my eyeliner." She said as she picked up her purse. "Oh its no problem, I don't have anything going on yet anyways." I smile.

"Ok well today we are all going out to this new diner. Its just going to be us, Elijah, and the band." Kat says as my eyes widen.

The band? Oh come on, why does the band have to be there? Or at least Gerard.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask.

"We're just going there to eat and discuss everything for the concert. We haven't had one since before Christmas." Shai says as she eats a chocolate bar. I nod my head and watch as Kat laces up her shoe.

"Alright well I am ready but I don't know about her." Kat says while staring at Shai.

"Hey! You know in some places that's considered an insult." Shai says while standing up.

"Oh you poor thing." Kat smiles sarcastically. "Ok are you ready Annalise?"

I nod my head and stand up.

I really hope that nothing goes wrong. I'm already starting to feel nauseous and my stomach is in knots. Maybe I'll have a chance to prepare myself when we are walking down there.


So this one is a little short because I just didn't know what to write. I hope it was good. Later babes.

Listening to: Dear Maria, Count Me In - All Time Low
Date: 12-28-21
Time: 11:56 pm
Mood: Tired

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