"For about two, maybe three months." I whisper, keeping my eyes locked on my hands. I'm surprised by how calm he is reacting. Usually with this much alcohol in his system, he would be fuming with rage.

"And?" He asks, taking another sip. I look over at him, confused.

"And what?"

"Is he better than me?" I look at him, shocked. I never thought he would ask this question. Is Dustin better than him? Of course he is. Dustin is magical and loving and carefree. He's everything I've always wanted. His entire presence makes my body light up with spark, making me feel high in the best way possible.

"Wesley..." I whisper, not wanting to answer him. He slams his beer down onto the coffee table and glares at me. I now know that he is pissed and there is no way around it. The more I speak, the angrier he will be. The more I stay quiet, the more hateful he will get.

"Fucking tell me!" He shouts.

"Yes, he is." Wesley sighs beside me but relaxes into the couch.

"I thought we had something good, Nova. Youre mine, you always have been. You need me, you can't live without me. We're married, we are partners." He growls, his voice getting increasingly louder.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"I want to know the entire story. I know you guys have a past, no matter how many times you try to deny it. Tell me the fucking truth." He demands. I shift my body on the couch and steady my weight onto my seat.

"There's no story. I don't want to talk about it!" I tell him, trying to ease him of heartbreak.

"Youre fucking lying! Who the hell is he, Nova? Why do you care about him so much? Youre fucking pregant with his baby!" He shouts. I stand up and start pacing the room, fear starting to settle into my body.

"I gave him my virginity in highschool, and we found each other again and the feelings came back." I mumble, my voice shaking with every syllable.

He scoffs. "There you go, lying again. You lied to me about your virginity, about your past life, about this fucking affair. Hell, who even are you?"

"Wesley, I'm sorry." He stirs as I sit back down. Disgusted by the sight of me, he stands up and takes my place pacing the floor.

"And now you're pregnant."

"Yes, I am."

"I think you should abort it." He suggests, stepping in front of me. My jaw drops as I stand up, facing him.

"No, it's an innocent baby. I'm not going to kill it." I insist, surprised that he would even think of something like that.

"Youre my fucking wife! Not his! And that's not my goddamn baby! I fucking hate you, do you know that? You do this to me, Nova. Youre the one who makes me so fucked up. I loved you, I cared for you. I gave you everything and you threw it down the toilet!" He shouts at me, grabbing my wrist to pull me in closer to him. I snatch it away and sit back down on the couch, anger nestling in my bones.

"You don't own me! I am free to make my own decisions! Im sorry, and I know I made a mistake but you have no right to speak of me as if I'm your property!" I snap at him, watching as his body stills. He slowly turns towards me and stares down at my rigid body. His gaze is painfully disheartening, and I know I need to do it now. We are too far deep into this conversation to avoid it.

I Might Miss You (I Might Need You book 2)Where stories live. Discover now