Chapter 11

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Y/N was a reasonably intelligent individual, but some things seemingly stunted her progress, and so, she thought she was the most regressively intelligent individual on the planet.  Something stunted her mind, and she figured it had to be more than the interference with her memories; it was said that emotional trauma sometimes inhibited learning.  But, then again, why now, of all the times would it surface?

She walked to the common room, determined, but unequivocally afraid.  Her stomach was shaky and her chest was tense.  At last, she made it, opening the door to a humming busy atmosphere.  It seemed that she was not the only one at work.

"Oh my gosh.  I must do well in every class.  Or else-- or else my mom will kill me", yelled out one student.

Interesting.  But, that is sad.  It is sad that their efforts are reliant on someone else's wishes.  Or, again, maybe I'm not getting the full picture.  Yes, I should be more careful with the conclusions that I draw.  Hold on, why am I being so nosey-- no, nosey is good, gosh. Hmm, what's that smell?  Oof, I love doughnuts, but apparently, the rumor on the street is that you shouldn't eat them every day.  Oh, I am craving something spicy though, ... I wonder if  I could sneak and get some--

"Oh, hello there Y/N" the pair Y/N had acquainted herself in the eventful morning called out in unison.

She walked to an available seat at a table and pulled out a small, thick notebook.

"Alright, it is time to plan it all out-- aghh- but I do like flexibility; and, with that, I really want to absorb and conceptualize the information, so, maybe I should break it up into --"

After a lot of careful consideration, Y/N decided that she had no idea of how she was going to proceed with her studies.

She then went up to her dorm, turned the time-turner, and fell asleep.


She tried to, that is.  She was just couldn't get her body to accept that the day was over-- that it was time to recharge.

She waited and waited, but the sleep did not come.  So, she began to play events in her head.   She considered what had happened in her classes.  She considered her idolization (seemingly) of Scorpius, which she, at that moment, realized was kind of silly.  She went further back. She thought about Rose and how her anger seemed baseless.  She thought about the odd, inter webbing of all of the people she'd encountered.  How did it make sense that they were all involved in some kind of plot despite not fitting any kind of archetype? 

She also thought about the woman that saved her from her old life.  Where was she?  Who was she?

Y/N tossed and turned as memories and thoughts flooded her mind.  She thought about it all, and before she knew it, she'd fallen asleep in a cold sweat.

Author's note: Y/N is not very prudent at times, but hey- procrastination and a time-turner are a beautiful pair.

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