Louis chuckled holding back a laugh.-"You should have seen your face!"

"Stop laughing this is a serious situation! You're about to get caught!"-Harry said gripping his shoulders to keep him steady.

Louis gently placed his hands on his shoulders.-"I'll be fine darling. I've already taken care of everything."

"Can you stop saying that! This is not alright! Why didn't you open the damn phone? I've called you a thousand times to warn you! I drove here breaking every driving rule out there! I almost even ran over a dog!"-Harry said shaking him slightly.

Louis was still unbothered, than he softly asked.-"Is the dog alright?"

"Fuck the dog! Are you alright!"-Harry said yelling in lowcase.

Louis slid his hands down to his chest.-"You worried about me?"

"Oh! Don't get all worked up on it."-Harry said looking away.

Louis smiled widely.-"You really did! Well I'm fine darling, and so is the organisation. I was aware of this situation since like a week ago, had time to fix everything. This is all going like I planed."

"Like you planed? A week? What the hell is going on, and why don't I have a clue of this!"-Harry said but that's when the inspector came back, holding a bunch of papers.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything."-She said sheepishly looking at them, to her they looked 'close'.

Louis slid this hands all the way down removing them from Harry's body. And Harry did the same with his.-"Sure what is it. Everything is clean I'm guessing."

"Yes, we're terribly sorry to take your time Louis. And we'll make sure to never cross paths again. The people who made the report will be taken care of...they'll never bother you and your company again."-She said laughing.-"Unless queen Elizabeth wants to come down here and check your stuff herself."

Louis joined her laugh.-"Oh no Lisa I don't think the Queen would bother herself to come down these dark ports. Her arthritis would get worse."

Lisa laughed at his joke.-"Keep yourselves out of trouble guys. I hope we never meet again in my work hours."-She said giving Louis a wink and than leaving. Once she entered her car and drove away from the aisle 6.

Once every police was gone from the aisle, Louis dusted his hands.-"There goes that."

Harry blew out some air. He inhaled wanting to scream at Louis.-"Will you tell me what THE HELL IS GOING ON!"

Louis turned at him, holding his hands up.-"Woah! Calm down love! Calm down."

"Don't you tell me to calm down! Where did three fucking containers of illegal guns! I'm pretty sure they didn't disappear into thin air!"-Harry said throwing his hands on the air.

"Well...the story goes like this. Someone rated us out, they reported that, my guys hacked into the police files just to make sure nothing was wrong with the police departments, they found a bug, they told me about this bug, and I took care of it. The containers never even mixed with these."-He said pointing at the containers at the back.

"Great so the containers are still in Russia, how can this be a good thing! This only delayed the whole thing!"-Harry said facepalming.

Louis laughed.-"The containers are currently making their way to the warehouse."

"What?"-Harry asked for the millionth time that day.

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