22 -Minsung

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'We met when you were 22....and you are still 22...."

Jisung sobbed as tears were flowing from his eyes...
He was crouched down, his hands on his face and in one holding a manjushage (or red spider lily, and if you know the meaning of this flower, than you know where this is going)...

"We couldn't even spend a full year together..."
Jisung bit his bottom lip as he looked up at the sky sighing...

"...Jisung we need to go..." a tall boy said patting on his friend's shoulder as he waited for him to get up
"It's starting to rain too..."

Jisung nodded and cleaned his face with the sleeve of his black suit.
He got up and placed the red lily on the grave stone
"Goodbye my love..."


As Jisung and his friend arrived at the car, a lady came running towards them, waving her hand to get their attention
"Sorry...you should be Jisung...right?"

Jisung cleared his throat and gave the lady a faint smile, even if there was clear pain in his expression
"...yes it's me...is there something I can do for you miss...?"

"Actually...yes. I'm Minho's mom it's a real pleasure to meet you...even is this situation...I know how much my son used to love you"
She smiled, shaking Jisung's hand
"If you are free...could you pass from my house? I have some things for you"

"Oh...yeah...I can come even right now...if it's possible"

"It would be great"


He got in the car, next to Minho's mom, and just stayed silent, with his head low and nervously playing with his hands in between his legs...
"So...um...how well did you two know each other?"

Jisung turned his face towards her, than looked up at the rooftop of the car, leaning his head back
"He...knew every inch of  my body...all my secrets...all my addictions...and I knew everything about him...his love for dancing...that he likes cooking...and even his infinite love for cats"
Jisung started laughing, but all of a sudden that happiness turned into immense sadness and he started crying again...covering his face
"I don't even know why he did that...! I want him back now..."
The sobs broke his voice and he decided to just shut up...

"Minho was not so talkative at home, but when he opened his mouth, all he could say was your name and the things you two did...it looked like you two were in a really good relationship..."
She pat on Han's head and wiped off the tears from his face...


Jisung walked through the graves, looking for a specific one...
'It's been four years since the last time I came here...'
He looked around and one grave particularly caught his eye...

He got closer to it and saw that it was surrounded by red spider lilys...
Jisung just stared at the multitude of flowers than felt a pat on his back
"It's really pretty right? I came in this morning and bam! This was all here. I really don't know how this is possible since nobody put bulbs on this ground"
The gardener of the cemetery said with a surprised smile on his face
"I didn't cut them because they look really good, and add some...colour to this place yeah. Anyway I'll let you talk to your beloved one now"

Jisung smiled and bowed at the gardener who left him standing in front of the gravestone surrounded by red flowers.

He crouched down and smiled
"So...is this my birthday present?"
His smile slowly fainted and his eyes filled up with tears, when suddenly he heard meowing and looked up.
A black and white cat was sitting on the gravestone
"I guess cats still like you a lot..."
The cat jumped down and looked at Jisung, rubbing on his knee and looking for some attention...

'Now I'm 24...and you are still 22...'


I don't know...I just felt like writing this

It's kinda bad like, it has absolutely no logic and...I don't know!

The Book Of You and I {Hyunin, Changlix, Chanmin, Minsung one shots}Where stories live. Discover now