bad stalkers -Changlix

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D-do it harder~" Felix moaned out loud, throwing his head back while fingering himself and thinking about his hyung.

'Damn I have cum all over me'


Felix is a 19 years old photography student, obsessed with one of his hyungs...Changbin.
Changbin is the school guy who is strong and moody, but at the same time funny, and mostly, HOT.

Felix has had a chrush on him since middle school, but couldn't find the strength to tell him, since he was well known for breaking hearts here and there, everyday.

Changbin is Felix's tutor in math, and history class, and his gym trainer (out of school).
A thing that Changbin does a lot is saying nice and cute things to Felix, thing that makes him go crazy!

But you know...
When you are a girly boy, taller than the one you like, less attractive than him...

'It will never work...'

That's when Felix decided to follow his crush everywhere, and anywhere.


"Ok Felix, we should go to the library and do some math ok? But, can you go first? I'll come in a second"

"U-uh o-ok" 'but I don't want to leave you hyung!!~'

Felix went to the library as Changbin told him to, and took a sit on one of the large tables.
After ten minutes, Changbin was still no where to be found, so Felix got up and went to the exit of the library, only finding himself face to face with a really tall boy.

"Oh hey cutie~ what are you doing? Going around and giving blow jobs to the school? I can pay you well if you do more than that-"

"Leave him alone, he is not free now" Changbin interrupted him.

"Oh, so you are already doing that to him...what a not lucky day"

Felix didn't know what to say, he was just staring up at the boy and looking from his left to his right eye.
He never did such a thing...ok he stalks the boy he likes but...going around and doing that to the school boys....

"Oh the poor little boy is crying now? Or should I call you slut huh? What a pity"

"Leave him alone and put your fingers up your ass by yourself" Changbin said giving him a middle finger and taking Felix away from him.

They went back to the table, and Changbin made Felix sit on it, and he sat on the chair below him.


"I-I never did such a thing...belive me I am not what he said, I d-don't do that-" Felix was crying hard, but still, nobody could hear.

"It's ok. Even if you were doing that to I don't know who, I can still see that you are a nice person, and that's all I care about" Changbin smiled at him, and patted him on the leg.

"...CHANGBIN!!" Felix yelled and went on the older's lap and hugged him tight.

'I love him even more now...~'

Felix was rubbing his body with Changbin's one, when he felt something hard poking near his left butt cheek.

'W-what!? I-Is he hard for me?! Maybe I should just kiss him already-'

"Ouch...Felix can you get up please? The keys in my pocket are stabbing my leg"

"O-oh yeah s-sorry" Felix got up and sat again on the table.

The Book Of You and I {Hyunin, Changlix, Chanmin, Minsung one shots}Where stories live. Discover now