Author End Notes

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Hi ! So, first of all, I don't know if anyone will ever read this story, but if someone made it that far, thank you so much ! I really hope you liked it ! It's actually my first fan-fiction, so be kind ^^. I worked very hard on it, everyday for two straight weeks, actually. To be honest, I'm not 100% satisfied of it, at all, but you know, I had to begin somewhere, right ? It's not really original, and I'm a pretty ashamed of it; I took out a LOT of details 'cause I'm cringing at myself, but it might have been better with them, I don't know ! Let's hope it's good enough, at least ! Things got pretty fast and sudden at the end, which bothered me a bit, but I couldn't find another way of doing it. Also, don't hesitate to give me your advice about it ! In a kind, respectful and constructive way, of course :)

Thank you !

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