CHAPTER-9: Boring mafias

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Y/N: Yeah, tell me !

JIMIN: I think you're so sexy.

-He said with a neutral dominant expression.

Y/N: Well you too.

-I smiled, blushing.

    Then, one of his knee disappeared under the foamy water. He was still looking at me straight in the eyes with that blank, well horny, expression. I then felt his foot touching mine, and sliding up my leg to my sensitive parts.

Y/N: Jimin-

    He started rubbing me with his toe, it felt better than it sounds.

Y/N: I already feel so dizzy, baby- *moan* b-but I'm even more now...

-My head was falling backwards.


    The sun was now going down, we were getting ready for the party.

JIMIN: Are you ready ? Let's go !

Y/N: Bae, I'm not even dressed yet ! Go ahead, I'll come meet you in a few minutes.

JIMIN: No, I'll wait here, I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself.

Y/N: I'm feeling better ! I'll stick to the walls and everything will be fine !

JIMIN: Are you sure ?

Y/N: Yes, don't worry too much, please !

JIMIN: Okay.

-He said, kissing my lips quickly before leaving.

    It was the first time in so long I didn't attend an event where I can show how pretty I can be. So I prepared my favorite dress, it's very pretty, not even so sexy, but I know Jimin won't like the fact that I'm wearing it in front of these people. I made up my hair and my makeup as well, nothing very special. I was a bit hesitant about the heels since I was still feeling dizzy, but I decided to wear them anyway.

I was now entering the gathering room, there was quite a lot of people. Fortunately, I didn't took a lot of attention, I just saw a few thirsty mafias looking at me like an object, nothing too unusual though. My eyes wandering in this room, trying not to fall, and finally finding the boys. They were all so handsome in theirs suits, it made me smile. The three of them were glancing at me, in all different ways. Hoseok looked shocked but impressed, Yoongi was gazing head to toe being almost disrespectful. And Jimin's look was straight into my eyes, not moving, he looked angry and disappointed, it made me feel bad although I haven't done anything wrong.

Y/N: Hey !

-I told them shyly, smiling.

    Jimin then took me by my wrist, taking me a little farther so the boys wouldn't hear.

JIMIN: What game are you playing exactly ?

-He threw, whispering, not to get people's attention.

Y/N: What ? What do you mean ? I'm doing nothing !

JIMIN: Why did you choose this dress ? Do you want to be annoyed by all these men all night long ?

-He whispered, tightening his teeth.

Y/N: I just wanted to be pretty, Jimin. I don' care about them, stop acting jealous !

-I said in a sad and angry expression.

JIMIN: I am not being jealous ! Do you know how much these guys would pay to take you ?? They could also follow you until you're alone to kidnap you, y/n ! You don't understand what they're capable of when they want something.

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