CHAPTER-11: Troubles

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JIMIN: What ?

Y/N: I mean, I just think i-it's unhealthy, all of that is quite toxic. It would be better for the eight of us, to get out of that.

JIMIN: No. No, we can't. This should never be a question. We did that our whole lives. I did that my whole life.

-Angry, trying to keep calm.

Y/N: But it's so dangerous, Jimin ! I mean look at us ! Always hiding ! And look at your leg ! Your thigh is still not doing so well. You are limping again !

-I said quite loud, finally looking at him.

JIMIN: I don't care ! About my leg, y/n ! I don't care if it's dangerous ! This is all my life, this is all I have ! The mafias saved me !

-He threw, almost yelling at me.

Y/N: And YOU saved me ! And you have me ! Jimin ! Please !

-I said, tears in my eyes.

JIMIN: You don't understand.

-He said, suddenly calm.

Y/N: Do you really see our future like that ?!

-Trying not to yell, very pissed.

    He then looked into my eyes, disappointed, and turned around to go back home. He was very mad, and I just followed him all the way, crying, quite loud, but he didn't looked at me again.


    Eating some snacks in the kitchen, the entery door suddenly opened. I saw Jimin pass, he looked very angry. Y/n following him, in tears.

Y/N: Jimin ! Please ! Wait ! Can't we talk ?? Jimin !?

-She told him in despair.

    He wasn't paying attention to her. He then got into his office, locking the door behind him. Y/n fell on the floor of the hallway, crying herself out. I came to her.

TAE: Y/n, what happened ?

-I said calmly but a bit worried.

Y/N: I bet you won't understand either.

-She said, being a bit calmer.

TAE: Please ! Tell me ! We can go in my room if you want.

-We did.

TAE: Okay ! Now tell me what's up with Jimin !

Y/N: I told him to think about quitting the mafia.

-She said slightly. Swollen face and breaking voice.

TAE: Ohhh, I understand better now ! I'm honestly not sure he'll ever quit.

-I said seriously, which made her begin to cry again, softly.

TAE: No no no, don't cry princess ! I'm sorry, don't cry !

Y/N: He got so mad ! But I'm just so scared for him ! I love him so much, Taehyung, really ! I could never handle losing him ! Do you understand that ?

-She said, crying even more.

TAE: Yeah, of course.

-I told her, patting her back.

Y/N: And you guys too, of course ! I love you all ! You're important, I care about y'all !!

TAE: We love you too, y/n ! But I think you should give him time, like, let him think about it for a bit, and maybe try to talk to him about that again by then ! But I can't promise you anything. Okay ?

-She nodded, looking sad and disappointed.



    It has been two days I haven't seen Jimin, and it's breaking my heart. He've been sleeping in his office theses times, while I stayed up all night, waiting for him. I was missing him so bad. So for this third night alone, waiting, I decided to try and talk to him. It wasn't so late at night, but I didn't know if he was sleeping so I opened the door, peeking to see. I really was not expecting what I saw. He was sitting on his office's chair, looking at his laptop, masturbating. I stayed like that, watching him for a few more seconds. He was staring so intensely at his screen, then quit it, closing his eyes, and tilted his head back in pleasure. Letting his throat be wide seen, and whispered something to himself. I think I understood him saying "Baby...", and then moaned. I decided to enter anyways.

Y/N: What are you doing ?

-I threw to him, seriously. He jumped out of his chair, covering his parts with his hands, and closing his screen's laptop.

JIMIN: WOOOH ! Can't you knock ???!

-He tried not to yell since it was night. He was very surprised.

Y/N: Can't you lock your door ? Especially when you do that type of things.

-I said still very serious.

JIMIN: Do you need anything, baby ?

Y/N: What were you watching ? Huh ?

-I threw at him, blushing a bit, because he called me baby when I thought he was still mad at me.

    He wasn't answering. So I tried to go see by myself, but he stopped me.

JIMIN: Don't ! It doesn't matter, y/n !

    I was faster than him. Opening his laptop, there was a picture of me, at the swimming pool in Malta, from last time.

Y/N: When did you take this picture ?

JIMIN: When you weren't looking.

Y/N: Yeah, obviously.

-I said coldly, going to the door. But he stopped me again.

JIMIN: Wait ! I'm missing you so bad, y/n ! I'm sorry, okay ?

Y/N: You missed me so you decided to touch yourself over pictures of me half naked ? You missed my body. If you were really missing me you would have came talk to me.

-I tried to go again, but he took my wrist.

JIMIN: I was too scared !

-He said, being actually sorry.

Y/N: Am I scaring you ?

-I threw angrily.

JIMIN: No ! It's not what I meant !

Y/N: Whatever.

-I said, finally going.

JIMIN: Where are you going ?

Y/N: Showering. Leave me, now.

-I left.

    I was now showering, thinking of him. When he entered the bathroom.


JIMIN: Stop trying to hide yourself from me, y/n ! I know your body too well for that.

-He said, calm but horny, coming closer.

Y/N: Look at my face, at least.

    I looked pissed but I was actually happy about it. He came closer, not leaving his eyes from mine. He then began to take off his shirt, slowly deviating his sigh on my breasts. I looked shy, and actually was, but he made me needy. Even before he took off his pants, I could see his boner wasn't calming from earlier. Then taking off his boxers, I was glancing at it while he caught my glare, getting naughtier. It made him smirk, dirtily. He came under the shower with me, back hugging me.

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