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(A/N: in this chapter there's a crown and you'll see why! Also side note, if I ever have fangs in my stories he'll never be with Toni and same for Minerva and Cheryl. Also I won't ever have Cher or Toni with someone other than each other as its a Choni book. So yeah sorry to disappoint if anyone wants tangs I just don't ship at all! Some stories I'll even have tangs as siblings but never a couple or crushes or something. Anyway enjoy love y'all)

No time skip

Tonis POV

Cheryl and I dropped our son, Andrew, off at school at around 9 am today. He's five and he goes to kindergarten.

It was now 11:45 am and we were getting coffee together at Dunkin Donuts when we got a call from his school. "Oh no, it's Andrew's school calling." Cheryl said, a bit nervous as normally they call when he's sick and stuff like that. "Hello Mrs. Topaz?" I heard the teacher say. Cher and I had paid for our coffee and went outside so we could put the phone on speaker. "Yes, it's me." Cheryl said and I smiled because it had been about 7 years since I made her Mrs. Topaz, and it still gives me butterflies.

"Yes this is Mr. Hamill from Riverdale Primary School, Andrew's teacher. We wanted to know if, after we explain why, you'd like to pick him up? He's not sick or in trouble, but something occurred that I think is more appropriate to discuss in person and I honestly think he's just not benefitting himself by being here right now. If you'd like to stop by I could explain why. I'll be on my lunch break at 12 (ten minutes from Now) until 1, and I  wouldn't mind talking then." Cher and I shared a look and said we'd be there right away.

   We got there on time and we're greeted by his teacher. "Hey guys so the co teacher is with the students right now and I'd like to talk to you before I release Andrew. As you know he wore a tiara to school today. All is fine with that, but at free time a classmate came up to him and said 'you're a girl," and called him several names, most of which I am not comfortable repeating. We heard him and reprimanded him. The most we could do is exclude him for the day and that is what we did. His parents picked him up. We thought that was all fine until we saw him snap the plastic tiara angrily and throw it away. He cried and we comforted him but he can't seem to Focus and he seems so down. There are two school clothes rules: dress your age (nothing inappropriate for the age) and dress for the weather. There's no "dress your gender" because quite frankly, there's no way to do that. You can't dress your gender because I believe it's a spectrum. Seeing him so sad I can tell he just needs some parental love. I suggest taking him home and he has no homework tonight." Mr Hamill said. We nodded and both shook his hand, and after, Mr. Hamill got his stuff and him for us. "Hi Andy, what's up?" I asked when I saw him. Cheryl held her tears in, even though it was hard. We said bye to his teacher and walked to the car.

      As soon as we stepped outside Andrew broke down. "Up please Mommy." He said and Cheryl immediately held him. "My poor baby, what happened?" She asked, even though we knew what happened we wanted to hear it from him. "I wanted to wear my tiara and David said I looked like the word I heard someone call Mama at the rainbow show." He said and we knew he meant a homophobic slur that Cher  and I were called at the pride parade one day. "Baby that's a negative word and it doesn't describe you. Boys can absolutely wear tiaras." I said. He kept crying and by the time we got home, we saw that Reggie was outside his home that he lived with Veronica in, mowing his lawn. "What's up guys?" He asked and I explained as Cheryl held our son and sang softly to him. "Shit kid I'm sorry. Love you pal." He said, blowing him a kiss. Andrew pretended to catch it and blew one back. "Bye bye uncle Reg." He said and we said bye as well.

About an hour later, we heard a knock on the door. We opened it and Reggie, Fangs, Sweet Pea, Jughead, Kevin and Archie all came in donning plastic tiaras, each in a different color.

"Can we stop in and see Andrew?" Jug asked and I nodded. "Reggie told us what happened and we wanted to show you that that's bullshit-" Archie started and was lightly shoved in the side by Kevin who told him not to curse. "Nothing he hasn't heard before", I said, winking at Cheryl. "Someone has some colorful language especially after the kid goes to bed and we have our fun." I said and Cher blushed. "Shut up my love."

"Anyway, as we said, Reggie told us what happened we came to show you that not only can boys wear tiaras, so can grown men. I mean look me in my eyes and tell me I don't look fire right now." Sweet Pea said. Andrew smiled. "Thank you." He said and Kevin came and picked him up. Here, wear this one for now" he said as he pulled a blue one from his pocket. With all the boys now donning tiaras, I took a picture with my Polaroid camera and when it printed, I smiled. I wrote on it:

"Accessories don't have a gender. My fave boys wearing tiaras."

The next day, we brought him back to school and saw that Mr Hamill greeetdd him with a tiara on his head. According to Andrew he never took it off that day.

Cheryl and I bought our son a new one later on that day.

We're so proud of our little guy!

Choni Emoji One Shots (A Choni Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now