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(A/N: this is a chapter of choni and their children celebrating Mother's Day! I hope y'all enjoy. I chose the emoji bc this is the flower the kids give their moms in this story. Love y'all!)

No time skip

Cheryl's pov

Toni turned over in the bed next to me and kissed my cheek, causing me to smile. "Happy Mother's Day beautiful." She said, and we began to kiss, slowly getting more passionate with it. Until, our door burst open and our two sons and one daughter came barreling into the room. Well, our oldest son, a nine year old named Kennedy came in holding his two year old baby sister in his arms, her name was Lauren. Our middle child, a newly six year old boy named Oakley, followed Behind Kennedy (who we often just called Kenny).

"Good morning Mommy! Good morning Mama!" Kenny said happily as he placed Lauren in my lap and hugged both of us, Toni and myself.

"Happy Muver's day!" Oakley said in his little voice, he often pronounces words wrong and it's so cute.

"Thank you my angel!" Toni said as Oak cuddled into her side, she kissed the top of his head and ruffled his hair. "I got you presents Mama and Mommy! Happy Mother's Day!" Kenny yelled happily as he went to go get his gifts for us from his bedroom that he and Oak shared.

He came back with a bouquet of flowers, two cards, and two mugs all in his arms. "This is for you both because you can both look at the pretty flowers, and you each get a card and a mug!" Kenny exclaimed happily and handed us each a hand made card and a store bought mug that he and the kids painted.

Toni's mug said "Mama" on the front with a cute lopsided pink heart on the back.

Mine said "Mommy." With another cute lopsided heart on the back, this time in the color red.

He used each of our favorite colors for the card as well, pink for Toni and red for myself.

I opened my card and saw a cute little personalized message scrawled out in his messy handwriting.

"Dear Mommy,

I love you so much. You always make me happy and help me with my homework. You're my favorite person (besides Mama too) and I hope that Mother's Day is good this year!



Tonis card from him read:

"Dear Mama,

I love you so much. You always protect me and whenever I'm scared I know I can come to you. I would do anything to make you happy, just like you would do for me. Thank you for everything Mama. I love you!



"Thank you baby!" I said and I hugged him. Toni did the same after I let go and said "thank you my sweet, I love you."

We looked through more gifts after that. Lauren, our baby, "got" us a gift which we each made for each other. I made Toni an apron with her footprints and hand prints in paint on it making flowers and butterflies, while Toni made me a flower bouquet picture using her hand and footprints as well.

Oakley made us cards in school and also made us each a picture frame.

"Don't eat the macaronis, they taste hard taste and like paint. I love you mama and mommy! Happy movers day. Your good movers." Said his cards to us.

"Mover" was how he thought "mother" was spelt.

"Bubbas did you eat a macaroni after you colored it?" Toni asked him in a laughing voice.

"Nooo!" He said and laughed.

Kenny, Oakley and Lauren cuddled us the rest of the day.

We watched movies and ate snacks, and had a wonderful time.

Choni Emoji One Shots (A Choni Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now