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(A/N: rn I'm in math class and I'm finished with a test so I have time to write lol. Anyway enjoy the Picture of the Day, and the story!)

* today the pic of the day is from whydontwiiumusic story on insta! *

No time skip

*in this story cheryl is pregnant and they do their baby's gender reveal*

Cheryls POV

I was about six months into my pregnancy, which meant I could go to the doctor and confirm the sex of my baby for certain! I know it was a bit late, but Toni and I debated on whether we even wanted to get it checked at all, so we took a bit to decide for sure. Toni and I talked last night, and we both decided to be surprised and have a gender reveal party set up for us, so we could find out at the same time that our family and friends did. But, with that, we needed one person to know and plan it. So we chose Josie! She was easily trustworthy, and we knew she'd plan a bomb party while not revealing the secret.

The only things Toni and I helped with was the location, date, time and guest list. Everything else, was set up by Josie, who enlisted the help of the pussycats.

Time skip to the party

Tonis POV

    Cheryl and I got to the party around 3, with the rest of the guests. It was at our house but we spent the day out so we couldn't see anything going on.

    I held her hand as she walked in slowly since her pregnancy was starting to cause her physical pain and discomfort. Walking in, we were immediately met with blue, white and pink streamers, baby decorations, and rainbow themed items. A chalkboard read "Blue or Pink: What Do You Think?" With a place to put a tally mark under the girl side or under the boy side. There was a ton of candy, cookies, cakes and treats overall. "Ooo babe I'm gonna go get a brownie." Cheryl said. I rolled my eyes playfully and laughed at my pregnant wife's antics.

      Once she got her snack, we walked around a bit more. Then, we thanked everyone for coming and began to play games such as "Pin the Pacifier on the Baby" or "Baby Trivia". After about an hour of fun, Josie yelled for people's attention but no one turned to her. So, she whistled shrilly over everyone and immediately captured their undivided attention. "Yo! It's time for the reveal. Can we get the moms up here?" At that, Cheryl and I walked up to the platform she stood on. "So remember when I said wear clothes you don't want to ruin?" She asked. "Yep." We both replied in unison. "Well, in about 10 seconds you'll see why." She said and winked, making us both nervous and excited. We looked up to see Archie and Reggie holding big buckets ready to spill them all over our heads. They hopped up on step ladders and got above our heads. "Five, four, three, two, one!" They counted and we closed our eyes as they threw water on us. "Ha! Pranked you!" They yelled. "Here's the reveal." Josie added as she handed us a large balloon and a needle to pop it with. We laughed at the light hearted prank and Cheryl popped the bubble as I held it.

It popped open to reveal pink confetti! We were having a girl! We spent the rest of the night celebrating.

Choni Emoji One Shots (A Choni Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now