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(A/N: hey y'all! In this one shot I have choni as parents of two kids: a 3 year old boy and a newborn baby girl. The boy named Owen gets jealous of his sister and that's the one shot! Enjoy and also enjoy the picture of the day (I didn't make it if you open it it shows who did! Love y'all!)

No time skip

Cheryl's POV

I was breastfeeding our second child, a two week old daughter named Layla, when my wife Toni and our three year old son Owen came down stairs.

Owen had already met his little sister, but we could sense a change in his behaviors from the start, basically since right after her birth.

At night he noticed that myself or Toni would cradle Layla until she fell asleep and so he began to ask for that again.

In fact, last night he was in his room when be heard us cooing and baby talking to Layla, so he came in the room.

"Mama, mommy I want cuddles too!" He said. We did cuddle him to sleep and read him stories but I guess he woke up again.

"Okay Owen, come here bubba." I said to him since Toni was holding Layla.

I picked up Owen and laid him in my lap, but he turned so his head was laying on my chest, copying Layla's position on Toni. "I wan sunshine mama." He whispered and I knew exactly what he meant. You see, since my pregnancy with Owen I had been singing him You Are My Sunshine by Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell. He loved the song and I made it a point for myself or Toni to sing it to him every night, so that way if one of us was busy we still had the other parent to sing to him. Sometimes we even sang it to him together.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..." I began to softly sing and rock him. He smiled and began to slowly fall asleep on my arms. Once he fell asleep we decided not to move him and just sleep with him on us while Layla slept in the bassinet beside my side of the bed (since I breastfed her).

I woke up at 4 am and saw Owen sleeping on tonis chest now, and holding my hand. It was so cute.

I fell back asleep and after about three hours, at 7 I woke up to feed the baby. When I did I accidentally woke up Owen. He saw her clean, unused pacifier and took it, putting it into his mouth. "Owen you're not a baby, that's for sissy!" I said in a silly voice so as to not upset him.

"I wanna be da baby." He said and started to softly cry and whine.

"Don't worry angel, you're always going to be my baby." I said to him.

"Mama and Mommy just need to care for Layla a bit more because she's a baby, you're a big boy and we love you forever no matter what." I said and he smiled and hugged me tight. "Love you Mama." He said.

By this point, Toni had woken up and she echoed my points. "Owen you make me so so happy, Mama and I adore you. You'll always be our baby, so is Layla. You're our favorite people ever." She said and tickled him in order to make him a bit happier.

Toni sat Owen in her lap and cuddles him.

"Mama loves you baby." She whispered and rocked him a bit. He broke out in a huge smile, turned around and kissed her cheek. "Owen loves mama too." He said and then reached over to kiss and hug me after he had kissed and hugged Toni.

"Let's go play baby," I said and I took Owen into the playroom and we played with a bunch of his different toys for a while, while Toni got dressed and also got Layla dressed.

After, we switched and I got Owen and myself dressed while Layla and Toni cuddled since she's not able to play quite yet, as she is too young for that.

Once I fed Layla, we laid her down for another nap since she's so little and needs to sleep a lot. Once she was laid down, it was around 10 am and Toni and I decided to just spend however long we had with Layla being asleep, to use that time to play with Owen.

He wanted to play hide and seek, so we played that for a bit. I told him Mama and I would count and he could hide, and as soon as we closed our eyes and began to count he ran away.  We counted down from 30. "...3, 2, 1! Ready or not, here I come!" Toni and I both said in unison and smiled at each other when we opened our eyes. We split up and I looked in the kitchen while she went to his bedroom.

I opened the door to the pantry and found him in there eating an Oreo.

"Mama, cookie?" He asked offering me one.

After I picked him up, I took out milk and so Toni, Owen and I ate milk and cookies while our little angel Layla slept in the bassinet.

I love my family so much.

Choni Emoji One Shots (A Choni Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now