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(A/N: EMETOPHOBIA WARNING! MENTION OF THROWUP AND NAUSEA! Not too much but just to warn you. Not graphic either just mentioned, but still! Anyway in this chapter Toni is sick and Cheryl takes care of her. I just had a 24 hour stomach bug and fever so I was inspired to write this lmao, enjoy the fluff y'all! Also happy Easter! Easter chapter coming later today. OVER 1K WORDS! Yay!)

No time skip

Cheryl's pov

I woke up to my beautiful girlfriend, Toni, whining in her sleep.

"Baby, you okay?" I asked sleepily. "Mmm owww," she said. "What's wrong my love?" I asked, this time a lot more concerned.

I heard her start to gag and quickly helped her to the bathroom where she threw up in the toilet as I held back her long, beautiful pink locks of hair from getting dirty.

"I'm sorry," she said. "Why are you sorry Tones?" I asked.

"I threw up and woke you up, I was trying to hold it in so you wouldn't have to wake up."
"Baby don't worry about that, you're sick and you need rest. Luckily we made it to the bathroom and so there's nothing to clean. And I will be here to care for you as always, my angel." I explained. I hugged Toni tightly and cradled her in my arms as we went back to bed.

"You rest here my love, and I will get you some water and ginger ale to help aid your stomach troubles," I said as I laid her back into our bed and tucked her in. "I'll be right back angel." And with that, I left the room and quickly got some stuff for her like a bottle of water, a bottle of ginger ale, some medicine for her stomach pains, and a garbage bucket with a bag in it in case she couldn't make it to the toilet when she got sick again.

"My love I'm back!" I said as I opened the door to our bedroom. I saw Toni cuddling with a teddy bear that I had bought her 5 years ago, on our third anniversary.

"I feel sickie," she said with a pout.

"I know baby it's okay, come here let me cuddle you," I said. "I wanna cuddle you so bad but I don't want to risk getting you sick," Toni explained as she slightly and reluctantly backed away from me.

"Don't worry about me baby you most likely have a stomach bug, and those really too aren't contagious unless we share food or drinks." I explained as I held my arms open and she fell into them, happily cuddling me.

"Baby can we just stay in bed and cuddle all day?" Toni asked me. "As you wish, my love. As long as you're sick you will be resting in this bed and I'll try my best to stay with you the whole time."

Toni and I laid together and cuddled for about two hours and she fell asleep almost right away, so she had a two hour nap before she woke up and threw up again but this time into the trash bin.

"Bae I feel so icky, I really want a hot bath," Toni said to me.

"Okay my love let me pick you up and run you a nice warm bath." I said. I ran to the bathroom and began to run the water, getting a bit of bubble bath in it and grabbing Toni gently, leading her slowly to the bathroom with me.

"Baby love don't worry you'll feel better shortly," I said and kissed her head in response to her whining uncomfortably. "I know it may hurt right now but you'll be okay, I'll be here to care for you, no worries, angel," I said lovingly.

I laid my lover down carefully in the water and began to clean her off and gently wash her.

After she was washed off, I let her just stay in the tub and rest for a while before I got her out and wrapped her in a big, warm and fluffy white towel.

Then, I put her back on our bed and she dried off and got changed while I did the same.

We both got in a fresh pair of nice warm and matching pajamas.

"I'm thirsty baby can you please get me some more ice water?" Toni asked politely with an adorable smile.

"Of course I'll be right back." I said and got us both a glass of ice water each since I was quite thirsty as well.

"Babe I'm back with the water," I said and gave her her cup. She thanked me and drank some of it before putting it on the end table and then laying back down with me.

Toni couldn't eat because everything she ate ended up coming up, so she just kept hydrated by drinking as much water as possible. Even ginger ale was making her sick at this point.

"Baby I still feel sick," Toni  said after another few hours of sleep. "But I'm still really hungry," she added.

"I know baby, if you want I can try to make you some rice and broth because I don't think your stomach could handle much more." I said.

"Okay babe thank you," she said and I went down stairs to make her some soup (basically just chicken broth and rice). I also made her one slice of toast with a light layer of butter spread on it.

Then, I added some saltine crackers on the side. I didn't want to overwhelm her with food but I figured I'd give her some good options that wouldn't make her too sick, so she could pick at it as she pleased and if she didn't want any more after that, it wouldn't be a big deal.

She had some of the soup and a few crackers before she felt full, but she was able to keep it down!

Eventually she told me that she was too hot. I checked and she had a fever.

"Baby can we have some skin to skin contact please? Even if we just cuddle without our shirts on?" Toni asked with an adorable pout on her face.

"Of course babe," I said and I took off my shirt, and took off Toni's after she requested that I do it instead of her doing it herself.

Toni always looks so amazing shirtless, she always manages to take my breath away!

"Babe you're so beautiful even when you're sick, like please tell me how that's even possible," I said, practically drooling at the sight of my girl. She blushed and thanked Me, and we cuddled shirtless for about an hour.

"I'm cold love," she said and so I put her shirt back on and put her under a nice, warm blanket.

We watched tv and I felt her shiver. I knew she had to be having chills since it was pretty warm, especially under the blankets.

Luckily within a few hours the chills, nausea and fever all went away. I'm glad my baby is feeling better!

Choni Emoji One Shots (A Choni Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now