It was hard to walk the distance, turn on the water, and scrub not only my hair, but my body as well. I nearly collapsed to the ground from how weak I felt.

My legs felt like twigs, one wrong movement, and they were going to snap. Lifting my arm over my head was too much. Even though they were lighter due to me losing weight, they felt like a hundred pounds.

After hearing the news from Ms. Jovani, that the partner project was postponed until the week after, I made up my mind that I was not going to school for the rest of the week.

There was no point of me being there. I only went for the reason that there was a partner project to do. No way I would leave Harry alone to work on the project without me. We would certainly fail.

The whole weekend with Harry was fucking weird. Not once did I snap at him like I usually did. The only time I was short with him was after reading a text that Miller sent me when he was in the bath.

Other than that, we were acting like civil human beings. Asking each other questions, answering those said questions, and I was also being fucking tender towards him when he was throwing up. I'm not a tender person, so that kind of freaked me out at the moment, but I didn't let it show because Harry needed my help.

I let him cuddle me, I let him borrow my clothes, I let him in on one of my hidden talents, I let him do a lot of shit that I would never ever do.

Yet, I did it...with him.

I even entertained the idea of letting him cook food. I allowed him to take me to the grocery store, and go shopping with him. What I didn't expect from that trip, was nearly killing some random bitch.

I don't know who the hell she was, but I swear to God, I was ready to scrap that girl to the fucking ground. She made my blood boil in a way I haven't felt in a long time.

Even though I may have some major anger issues, I'm not a violent person like that. I don't lay my hands on people ever. It's only when I'm extremely pissed off, that my hands crave to make someone bleed.

To top off the whole experience with Harry, my mothers skank ass had to make an appearance, and not only her, but one of her nightly rendezvous.

My mother knows not to bring her one night stands home. The fact she did made me see red. I didn't care what I said to her, I just wanted to let out my fucking anger somehow.

It was embarrassing not for Harry to hear the words my mother and I had to exchange with each other, but the fact that she threw something at me in front of him.

No one is supposed to know about that

It's supposed to be a secret

When I tick my mother off enough, she sometimes lashes out. She's never hit me, but she likes to throw things at me.

She's thrown plates, bags, shoes, empty bottles of alcohol, and whatever else her hands can land on.

Like I said it's not often, and most times I can avoid getting hit because I see it coming, but there were a few instances where I got hit, and injured.

She's given me black eyes, cuts, bruises, and my favorite one of all was a concussion.

I hated what Harry saw, it made me worried, not what he would think of me or my mother, but how he would treat me.

And my fears were confirmed when he chased after me when I was leaving school. The way he looked at me as if he was worried, the way he was genuinely curious, it terrified terrifies me.

I don't know how to handle someone acting as if they care. Sure Alli, Nini, and Willy do, but its different with Harry, he seems, fuck I don't even know. It's just different.

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