"Poland? What are you doing over there?" Germany peered out of the curtain and he quickly scrambled to his feet. Poland's wings were shining with a warm iridescent glow without himself even noticing and he quickly wiped the corners of his eyes before plastering a fake, disapproving frown on his face.

"I could ask you the same thing," he rolled his eyes as he ushered Germany back into bed, "You're supposed to be asleep y'know!"

A faintly sad smile flashed across Germany's face as he complied, "I know I know. But would you mind telling me what you were whispering about?"

Poland froze when he said this and with a quivering voice, he asked, "How much did you hear?"

"Well by the time you leave, I'm hoping it will be everything," Germany demanded as he pushed his glasses up, "Please Poland. What are you so stressed about?"

He tried to push the topic away but no matter how much he struggled, Germany remained insistent and finally he caved. Extending his wing to blanket the both of them with a heavenly light, Poland opened up in the hopes that his friend would understand.

"And that's the gist of it," America mumbled as he flopped down onto the sofa. AU frowned as she hesitantly slid Germany's lone figure over.

"Does he himself know?" she inquired, "Did Poland tell him his decision?"

"I don't think so," Russia said, "He did wait until we left to tell us and his expression was torn with guilty secrecy. It's not likely."

AU grumbled in frustration as she surveyed the board, wondering what her next move would be. She still couldn't secure Germany's spot in case Poland's decision also influenced his own. They were basically back to where they started. AU, however, was already so done with everything and with an exasperated huff, decided to add him until notified otherwise. After tasking the boys to keep an eye out for potential candidates just in case, the group was dismissed for the weekend.

After they shrugged on their coats, America and Russia strolled through the courtyard and towards the parking lot. The sun had pretty much disappeared at this point, dipping the sky in a soothing deep blue. Snow dusted the ground and snowflakes were falling a-plenty. They hadn't even noticed when it had started.

"If you wouldn't mind, wanna come train with me tomorrow morning?" America suggested and Russia nodded, agreeing that some practice would be nice. But their definition of practice was different. While Russia suggested technique and polishing their arsenal, Ame suggested a full three hours of sparring, potentially with Sunfire and the Unmeltable.

"You know, like that night! That battle was sick—we should do it again!" he sighed happily, "Of course I'll kick your butt like basically every time we've fought-"
After a solid while of throwing around some playful banter and a few fistfuls of snow, they bid each other farewell and parted ways and into the night.


"I'll follow the strong. I dismiss the weak. If you wish to bring me back. Prove yourself worthy."

They both said the same thing before they walked away, following the crimson path and into the claws of the dragon.

"You tremble in my wake. You do not deserve my name, my title, my power."

I've faced off against him. I've won against him. Am I worthy now?

??? :Meet me at the station at 4 before the sun. Wait there and I will come.

Where Winter Meets Summer (Rusame Countryhumans)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ