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"Up for a little walk?" I asked, as we stepped out of the warmth of the company building

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"Up for a little walk?" I asked, as we stepped out of the warmth of the company building.

"Depends. How far," he asked, more of a statement.

"Not that far, just around the block," I answered, a hand coming up to help the boy picture the journey.

"Same place?" he asked.

"Of course! Where else can I move to," I answered.

There may have been a few incidences, during High School, where Sunwoo came over to finish projects and study; or to even just send things I have accidentally forgotten at the studio.

It was getting colder by the second as the sun started to set quickly. It was April and Korea was transitioning from Winter to Spring. It was warmer, yes, but it still got pretty cold at night.

Just then, a strong gust of wind came from behind us, flipping my hair forward. I let out a laugh as I pushed my hair back and tucked a strand behind me ear. I could see from the corner of my eye, Sunwoo, observing me closely. I gave him a small nudge to break his concentration.

"Did your eyes freeze open or what?" I taunted.

He rolled his eyes.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, Soh," he teased.

I let out a scoff at his audacity. Without noticing, I started to part slowly with him, moving closer and closer to the street. After walking a few more metres, I think, Sunwoo noticed it too. He pulled me to his right side instead, swapping our places.

"What was that for?" I asked, pushing him away lightly.

"It's getting dark, you shouldn't be walking so close to the street. People can just pick you up like that," he warned.

"You sound like my mother," I whined.

"Well, that means that when I meet her, we'll click nicely, hm?" he boasted.

"In your dreams," I replied, before speeding off.

"Hey! Come back!" he called, running up to me.

I broke into a short sprint as I ran away from the boy, having a little fun in the day's evening. Unfortunately, it wasn't long until Sunwoo managed to catch up and pull me back to his side. Darn you Soccer stamina.

"Why do you run so fast?" Sunwoo asked, panting.

"Why do you have so much stamina?" I asked back, panting even harder.

"C'mon let's just... WALK." He emphasised that last bit.

And we did. We began to walk and stroll towards my apartment. Along the way, our hands clashed with each other as we were swinging them alternately.



We apologised to each other. In most situations, after an apology, the situation lightens itself. This time, it formed a thin layer of tension between the two of us. Noticeable, but at the same, not so much. We parted shortly, reckoning that he, too, is arranging his thoughts about the moment.

the girl behind the music: down for your love - a tbz sunwoo ff Where stories live. Discover now