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"Good job! One round down, another one to go! Let's keep the momentum going!" Ms

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"Good job! One round down, another one to go! Let's keep the momentum going!" Ms.Kim exclaimed.

We were having an online meeting. Due to the current situation, most of our in person meetings had to be put online. The only people allowed into the building for now, we're The Boyz and their managers. Meanwhile, I was allowed to work from home, only going back to the company to collect files from the office and whatnots.

The first round - Sword of Victory - turned out amazing yesterday during filming. I had gotten a phone call at 9pm saying that they won first place for the first round. It was definitely what we needed to kickstart our journey on Road to Kingdom. The episode was going to be aired tonight, so I would only be able to see it then. For now, we were going to focus on the second round, King.

"The Boyz. Do y'all have any ideas you would like to share for the next round?" Ms.Kim introduces.

"We were thinking of doing one of Taemin-sunbaenim's songs, Danger," Sangyeon shared.

Danger, Taemin's version, is very much techno. But it still had drums. I've heard the song a few times, mainly because of girl's at school, but honestly, it's super empty. You have the kick from the drums, and the techno sound effects, you can't forget the robotic voice overlapping Taemin's, but that's about it. It's simple, and too plain as compared to the current age of kpop.

"What type of concept are you planning to have?" someone from the management team asks.

"We were hoping for a thief concept," Eric shares.

"And there's a crown, where we will steal it at the end," Kevin adds.

"So lots of fog, and black... suit-type outfits?" someone from the styling team recommends.

"Yes, that would be great," Younghoon agrees.

As all the other teams were asking and recommending outfits and stage props/stunts, I was stuck in thought about how to go about this song. How do reinvent Danger so that it still sounds like Danger but not really too.

"Sohee? Anything you would like to ask, from the music side," Ms.Kim passes the attention to me.


I unmute myself. "Are there anything you're planning to incorporate into the performance? Like dance breaks? Raps, since Danger doesn't necessarily have one?" I asked.

"Dance breaks, yes. There will be one, and we want to make it a big contrast from the rest of the song, if possible," Changmin says.

"I also plan to write a rap to substitute the second verse," Sunwoo raises.

Beside my meeting screen, I have my notes opened up to jot down their ideas.

"Just remember to send me your first draft of the rap as soon as possible, so that I can try to fit into your demo," I say.

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