No Problem

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I walked out of school. It was a Friday afternoon and I was ready to go home and change into my hottest outfit. I was so excited, I was practically skipping to the car. I climbed in, a massive smile shining off my face. My mom smiled, too.
"You excited?" She asked, reading my mind.
"I mean, I guess. It's nothing big. Don't make a massive deal about it, mom." I replied, trying to act careless. She rolled her eyes.
"Honey, this is your first date. Of course you're excited!" She exclaimed. I cringed.
"Moooom! Please just stop. You make it sound like I'm a baby!" I moaned. She shook her head, smiling.
"Ok, ok. I'll stop. So, what are you wearing?" She asked.
"Hmm I'm not sure. Maybe like a skirt and a t shirt." I said. Mom looked appalled.
"No! Sweetie you need to wear something nice! Boys love it when you wear something that makes you look pretty!" She said. I sighed. I guess I could change my clothing plan.

I walked down the stairs. I had a pink, flower halter dress on, and some short black boots to go along with it. Draped around my shoulder was a skinny, black purse. My hair was up in a messy bun with strands of my black hair hanging above my eyes. A slight layer of "pretty pink" lipgloss was slathered across my lips. Mom was in the kitchen cooking some soup, and when she looked up at me she dropped the bowl. She looked surprised, and immediately picked it up. She looked up at me, again.
"Wow. Zia. You look amazing, sweetie! I've never seen you like this before!" She said, blown away. Before I could reply, the doorbell rang. Mom started to walk to the door.
"Mom! No, I'll get it. You go back to make your soup." I said, rushing to pull her away. She looked disappointed, but nodded.
"Oh alright. You kids have fun!" She said, walking back to the kitchen. Whew. I was glad I had dodged that bullet. I ran to the door, realizing Lucas was still waiting. I turned the handle, opening the door to see Lucas standing in front of me. He looked amazing. He was dressed in a blue and white checkered t shirt with some black jeans and a musty smelling cologne. His eyes widened as he looked at me.
"Oh my. Z, I didn't know you could dress like this." He said, gazing at my dress. I blushed.
"Thanks. You look great, too. Very rugged." I said, instantly regretting my last comment. He smiled.
"Sorry, that was weird. I didn't mean it like—" I started, before he interrupted me.
"No, no it was cute. I like how you described it." He said. I laughed.
"Should we get going?" He asked. I nodded. He took my hand and led me to the car. He opened the door, and helped me in. I had never been inside his car before. It was..nice. Really nice, actually. There was a black leather interior and a scent of a pine tree forest or something. He opened the door, and stepped into the car. He looked at me.
"You like it?" He asked, noticing my interest. I looked up, surprised.
"Oh! Um, yes. It smells like.." I said, trying to find the right word.
"Pine trees?" He asked, finishing my sentence. I laughed and nodded.
"Yeah, we'll my grandma loves the smell and I drive her to her friends houses a lot." He said.
"Oh. That's so sweet of you." I replied. His face turned red.
"Thanks. Anyway, let's get going. We don't want to miss the movie." He said, starting the car.
"Sure. What movie are we seeing?" I asked.
"I booked tickets for an action called Shotgun Wedding." He said. "I know how much you live action movies."
"Oh. That's sounds good! Thanks!" I said, as we pulled out of the driveway. He nodded.
"Have you had dinner yet?" He asked. I nodded.
"Cool, so have I. We can go see the movie and get some snacks at the theatre as well, if you want." He said. I smiled.
"Yeah. That sounds really nice. Thanks Lucas." I said. He looked at me.
"No problem, Z."

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