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I sat down at the lunch table. Mindy started chatting to me, but I wasn't really listening. I was thinking about Lucas. Not in that way. I just needed him to agree to come on Saturday so that my plan would work. So far, all the signs that Mindy had given me were proving Lucas's point right, but I still had to find out the truth for myself. Lucas sat down at the lunch table. He smiled. Mindy moved away.
"Hey Z." He said.
"Hey." I replied. I was about to ask him to come out with us on Saturday, but then he said something else.
"Would you want to go out this weekend?" He blurted out. I was shocked. I didn't know what to say.
"Um, oh. Well.." I stuttered, trying to find words. He laughed.
"Hey it's ok if you've got other plans. I was just wondering." He said. I took a deep breath.
"Im free on Friday night." I said. He looked delighted. I held out my finger.
"But, you have to do something for me." I commanded. He nodded.
"Whatever you need." He said. I looked around. I didn't want to tell him here. I pulled him away from the table.
"I am hanging out with Mindy on Saturday and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" I whispered. He frowned.
"Mindy?" he asked, "Really? Why?" He asked.
"I know, but she's my friend and I just wanted to have some quality time with her. Please?" I lied.
He sighed, but nodded.
"Fine. Where are we going?" He asked.
"Oh. I hadn't really figured that out yet. Where do you want to go?" I asked. He was silent for a moment.
"Hmm we could go to lunch or something, if you wanted." He said, finally. I smiled.
"Yeah, that sounds nice. I'll tell Mindy." I said, walking away. He stopped me.
"Wait. Where do you want to go on Friday?" He said, pulling me away from the table, again.
"Oh. Um I don't really mind. I guess we could go see a movie." I said.
"Sure. That would be nice. What kinds of movies do you like?" He asked. I really wanted to go finish my lunch before the bell rang.
"Any kind is fine!" I said, walking away.
"Ok. Let's go finish our lunch." He said, sencing my urge to get back to the table. I smiled, and we walked back to the table.

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