Chapter 126: Take It On Faith

Start from the beginning

"I see," Lexa says slowly, storing all of this away. "So this is what the Azgeda believe."

"No, Heda," Cenn says. "This is what we – this is what they all believe, all the clans, not just the Ice Nation. Tales of what happened are spreading east, west and south quickly, going everywhere but the Floukru – they are too hard to speak with. Already messages are coming back from the Sankru, Trishanakru and Delfikru seeking more. The demand for paintings and sculptures depicting what has happened is far greater than any artist can meet. Boudolankru begin to engrave images of your sign and Wanheda's on their weaponry to bless the user. Last night I heard three new songs at the tavern asking for Wanheda's mercy for their lives and your mercy for their spirits, Heda. Polis natives travel to their home to be the first to tell their clans of what we now know and what they have seen. There are rumours Trishanakru is considering sending all the supplies they can spare to you and Wanheda as an apology for disbelieving Trikru legends of your divinity."

Lexa stares at him. She will have to speak to Clarke about this, she thinks dizzily. It is very likely that they will have to speak to others as well. What he is talking about is not a story casually told around a fire, but something more. He is talking about a whole belief system, one like the Trikru's but far more serious and widespread. Even Cenn, standing here before her, fully aware of her mortality and humanity, is half-convinced she can decide on his spirit's destination.

She should not have faked her death in front of so many. But then, how to change destroying the Mountain? Wrecking the lake? Collapsing Nia's castle? With this view, even the mines Sinclair set up at the border begin to seem like they are done purely through their will. Among the Trikru, explosives are known, but not widely – only by those who lived near the Maunon and had a friend who ventured too closely, and even then, the fog was used more than explosives. Bullets were used more than explosives. Among the other clans, they are known among those who try to find the City of Light, but even they ascribe the mines set across that expanse to a supernatural cause. In the other world, teenage Skaikru using explosives recklessly had robbed them of much of their mystery; here, that is not the case.

Lexa cannot think of a way to spread knowledge of explosives so that all of the clans – even those far away – accept that they are just machines of the type Raven kom Skaikru is so fond of making. The only way might be to give them explosives, and that is not something she wishes them to have. Bringing explosives and demonstrating to their leaders would be seen as proof of her and Clarke's powers, not a refutation of them.

They will have to hope this belief dies out. As useful as it is, the idea of being viewed as not just Heda, but the Undying, the Commander of Souls... it unnerves her. She has command of her own soul. That is all she has ever wished for.

"Mochof, Cenn," she tells him. "Leave me now." He does, but that reverence does not fade from his eyes.

She sees Saska look up, distracted, as Enja strikes Dazi across the ribs. This nearly allows her own partner to strike her. Aden keeps one eye on Lexa, but is still winning his own bout seemingly effortlessly.

Lexa raises her voice. "Natblida! Here!"

They gather around her in moments. "Heda?" Aden asks. As always, leading the rest, and that recognition of the usual pattern strikes fondness into her.

"As you know, I am to be bonded in a week," she tells them. "There is a Skaikru tradition of aloneness with one's new partner that requires I be away for nearly a month." She sweeps her eyes along their row. "During this time, Aden will have command of Polis, due to the good job he has done so far and due to his position as my heir. Truly, Aden, you have exceeded all I could ever have expected. I have chosen a worthy heir. I am not sure I could even have held the alliance together through such a thing."

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