Finding Thawne

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Current Day

Silas looked up with an apologetic face. Barry was pacing around the lab, frustration radiating from him. Silas has just finished his story on the creation of Star Labs and his friendship with Eobard Thawne. Silas could see has frustrated Barry was offering his apologies for keeping this information from him.
"It's alright Silas. This isn't your fault. We didn't know it was Thawne until today. You couldn't have known" Barry stayed after taking a few breaths to relax. Barry straitened himself up, his face changing to a more determined look. "We need to find Thawne, is there anywhere he would go or could be?" Barry question Silas. Silas thought for a few moments recounting all the possibilities of where he could be. Silas went to one of the whiteboards jotting down three locations. The restaurant where they had first met, a small lab that they used to work at & Thawne's last know address. "Great" Barry said walking over to the board. He looked at the three locations. He zoomed at of the lab and came back a few seconds later carrying Joe. As soon as Barry put Joe down Joe turned around and started to heave.
"Next time warn me" Joe stated as he regained his bearings. Barry nodded before turning to the board.
"Okay there's three locations and there is three of us. We each need to take a location to see if there are any clues" Barry declared to the group. Joe looked at him and Silas with a confused look.
"Why are we doing this Barry?" Joe questioned.
"We're trying to find Eobard Thawne, otherwise known as the Reverse-Flash" Barry stated breaking the travel to Joe. Joe nodded in confirmation of the mission. "He also has Iris so this must be successful" Barry states with a determined look on his face. Joe and Silas nodded in agreement before they were zoomed to row of the locations. Barry dropped Silas of at Thawne's last know address and dropped Joe of at Thawne & Silas's first lab. Barry zoomed to the restaurant.

Thawne's Residence

Silas walked up the stairs of the apartment building. Thaw me had told Silas where he was staying years ago but Silas never visited. He walked up to the door, looking around before he opened the door. It was unlocked luckily and Silas walked right in trying not to make a sound. The apartment was small but very spacious due to the lack of valuables in the residence. There was a desk in the corner of the room covered in sheets of paper, a mattress lay in the middle of the room. Silas walked over to the desk and started rummaging through the mountain of paper. Many were possible ideas he and Silas has throughout the years but there were two ideas he didn't recognise. One was of a box, the sides blackened and reinforced. The other design was of a device with a circular middle and four points on the sides. From what Silas could see it needed a tachyons, which Thawne had stolen. Silas didn't know what this device did but it didn't look good. He picked up the design and rushed out of the apartment and head back to Star Labs.

Old Lab

Joe approached the old lab. It was an old abandoned building in a run down area of Central City. He walked up to the door moss and vines wrapped around it like a tree. The door creaked as it opened and Joe walked in. The sound of water dripping from the ceiling was the only noice that was being made from the building Joe pulled out his gun and his touch as he wandered down the halls. He finally came to were the lab was, he approached the door. Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder. Joe turned around in a heartbeat to see who or what had just touched him. To his surprise it was just Kara.
"Hey detective West" Kara stated as Joe recovered from the heart attack she had just given him.
"What are you doing here Kara?" Joe asked cautious to why she was there.
"Well Iris didn't come home last night and I was worried about her. So I tracked her phone and that led me here" Kara said pointing at her phone. "Isn't that how your here?" Kara questioned.
"I got a tip, but I wish I had thought of that" Joe stated as he turned to continue. They both entered the lab Kara following in behind Joe. As they entered the lab they immediately spotted Iris who was chained up in a steel cell. Kara and Joe rushes over making sure Iris wasn't hurt. Joe looked around looking for a key to unlock the cell and the chain. While Joe was looking around he heard some rumbling coming from a black box in the corner of the room. Whilst Joe looked at the other box Kara broke both the locks on Iris's cell and got her out. She walked over to Joe carrying Iris in her arms. Joe turned to look at her realising Kara had got her out. "How did you get her out?" Joe questioned visibly confused.
"I found the key" Kara lied. Joe looked back to the black box and saw a similar lock on it to the one on Iris's cell.
"Do you think the key would work on this lock as well? I think someone is in there" Joe asked looking at Kara. Kara looked at the lock and nodded, she passed Iris to Joe before getting out one of her house keys and pretending to unlock the lock. She broke the lock when Joe couldn't see and stood back. The door started to slowly creak open. Suddenly, the door flung open and black lightning escaped out of the box and out into the world. Joe, Iris and Kara where sent a few steps backwards from the backlash of the lightning. Joe looked shocked as he and Kara rushed out of the building.

The restaurant

Barry was in his civilian clothes as he walked into the restaurant. He walked in and was positioned on a table for one. He was looking around the place when someone came and sat down opposite him. It was Thawne.
"Hello Barry" Thawne stated with a smirk on his face. They stared at each other neither wanting to make the first move. Thawne leaned back in his chair as the waiter delivered water to the table. Thawne just sipped the water as Barry stared daggers through Thawne.
"What do you want Thawne?" Barry questioned. Thawne smirked as he continued what he was doing.
"What do I want? Hmmm, you dead would be a pretty good start" Thawne joked while Barry continued to stare. "Ah I've missed this Barry, it's been a long time since we have gone toe to toe" Thawne stated. Barry looked confused but realised Thawne was talking about the future. "I always wanted to be you Barry. Well not you but the Flash" Thawne stated with a smile. "The adulation, the money the ladies" Thawne continued the smirk widening on his face. "But you couldn't let that happen" Thawne's smile dropped and turned into a vicious stare. "So I decided to destroy you. You mother and farther were very easy first targets" Thawne revealed. Barry realised what Thawne meant by that, almost immediately he grabbed Thawne and zoomed them out of the restaurant throwing him down a nearby ally.
"You killed her" Barry screened as Thawne got up wiping the dirt from his shoulders. Barry looked at Thawne as he continued to grin. He ran at Thawne lightning replacing the tears from his eyes as he dragged him through the street finally arriving at Star labs throwing Thawne across the room. Barry picked Thawne up by the neck and pushing him against the nearest wall. His hand started to vibrate as he neared it to Thawne's chest. Suddenly, Thawne grabbed Barry's vibrating hand causing a mini lighting explosion send them both flying backwards. Barry was sent over one of the desks whilst Thawne was sent back into the wall he was against. Barry stood up from behind the desk as he watched lighting surround Thawne. Thawne's suit appeared around him his eyes turning a dark red.
"Thank you Barry" Thawne said with a smile as he attached the tachyon prototype to his chest. The lighting immediately plunged into the device, Thawne breathing a sigh as it happened. He ran straight out of the building in the blink of an eye. Barry was about to follow but as he stated to run he felt slower than before. Silas came running in a few moments later asking Barry what happened. Barry shook his head in confusion.

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