The Night A Hero Was Born

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Central City


A young boy was being put into bed by his mother. The clock struck 8:00pm as the stars filled the night sky. The boy laid in his bed as his mum sung him a lullaby to get him to sleep. He pulled up his dinosaur bedsheet as he snuggled up into the mattress, drifting off to sleep. His mum left the room blowing a kiss as she shut the door heading downstairs to where her husband had opened a bottle of wine and had a movie set up on the TV. The clock struck 11:00pm as the boy woke up from his slumber hearing a crash come from downstairs. The glass of water by his bedside started to vibrate sending the water up into the air. To the boy's surprise the water stayed there levitating in the air. The boy exited the room rushing down the stairs. As the boy reached the living room bright flashes of red and yellow swirled around the room, surrounding his mother. His dad rushed to the boy's side.

"RUN BARRY! RUN!" his farther screamed. Just then the boy found himself outside in the middle of the street. He looked at the nearest sign. The boy quickly realised he was 14 blocks away from his house. The boy ran as fast as he could heading back to his home. It took him a little while to get home by which point the police had already arrived. The police had surrounded his house with officers walking in and out of the house. As the boy walked closer to his home his farther was being brought out in a flood of tears and a pair of handcuffs. His farther screamed at the boy not to enter the house. Ignoring his farther the boy rushed past two officers entering the house. It had been destroyed glass and broken furniture covered the floor and a white sheet laid in the middle of the room. The boy rushed over to the sheet lifting it up to reveal the body of his mother. The boy was brought to tears as an officer forced him out of the house kicking and screaming.


A young man was running down the street bumping into numerous people before apologising and carrying on his run. He was looking at his watch repeating 'I'm late' to himself. Finally, he stopped as he reached the barrier of the crime scene before being let in by one of the patrol officers. He entered the club and rushed over to wear a body laid on the ground. Standing over the body was a tall African American man. He had a brown trench coat on with his detective badge pinned onto the pocket. As the detective saw the young man he sighed.

"Barry, how are you always late?" The detective questioned in an annoyed tone. Barry got to the body, exhausted from the run, he gave an apologetic look to the detective before asking what they had. The detective pointed to the body identifying him as a gambler who was found dead last night. Barry started scanning the body looking at everything surrounding it. The body's throat was cut leaving a cascade of blood down his neck. Barry put on latex gloves before touching the body. He touched the cut around his throat before looking in his pockets, finding a driver's licence and a few poker chips. Barry stood up taking the gloves off his hands and putting them into an airtight bag. He walked back over to the detective telling him what he found. The detective looked at Barry before telling him to analyse the poker chips at his lab. Barry nodded before heading off back into the street getting a cab to the Central City Police Department. He walked of the elevator and started to head towards the stairs leading up to his lab when he saw a young African American girl waiting for him at the bottom of the steps. She gave an excited smile before they headed up the stairs together. As they reached the lab the girl asked Barry if they were still going to the particle accelerator event tonight. Barry looked at her as he placed the poker chips down on his desk.

"Hopefully, Joe just told me to get this evidence scanned and I should be done for the day" Barry stated. The girl smiled before walking to the door, turning before she left.

"Good, get that done quickly then or I'll have to beat you up just like when we were kids" She laughed leaving the lab. Barry laughed at the last remark before setting up the scan on the poker chips. Barry sat in his chair filling out some paperwork while the poker chips sat in the scanner. As he worked through the pile of paperwork the detective walked in holding the driving licence of the body they had found. He placed the licence on the desk explaining who the victim was and what he did. He then told Barry he was sending him a link of the CCTV footage of the club on the night of the death. Barry nodded and as the detective went to leave Barry spoke.

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