The Man In Yellow

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Barry stood opposite the man in yellow. The other officers in the bullpen looked at the two men in similar suit staring at each other. They pulled out their guns out aiming at the two men. The man in yellow laughed as in a split second he was behind the officers that were aiming their guns. They then slowly started to fall as the necks broke. Barry looked at the dead officers as he started to run at the man in yellow. As he ran at the man in yellow time slowed but the man in yellow moved at normal speed. Before Barry could reach him the man in yellow had his hand round his throat.

"Let's go for a run" The man said as he pulled Barry out of CCPD. He ran through the streets of Central city Barry seeing glimpses of locations as he was dragged through the city. The Man threw Barry through a shop window, Barry hitting the cold floor as the started to crack. Before Barry could react, the man grabbed him again flinging him across the street as the glass from the shop window finally shattered into a thousand pieces. Barry tried getting to his feet as the man pushed him up against a wall before hitting multiple times, Barry only seeing one in every five punches but feeling close to a hundred land. Barry fell back to the floor coughing up blood as the man laughed. "Oh, it's been a while Barry" the man in yellow laughed walking away from Barry. Barry looked up from the ground with a confused look on his blood covered face. He muttered out a weak how causing the man in yellow to turn around. "How?" The man laughed walking back over to Barry. "Me and you have been this for a long time Barry. You just don't know it yet" The man said kneeling down centimetres from Barry's face. Barry looked at the man asking him who he is. The man grabbed Barry's head lifting it so their eyes were level. "Me, I'm everything you are not. I am the fastest man alive! Where I'm from they call me the Reverse Flash" he said with a smile before dropping Barry's head back onto the sidewalk. As Reverse Flash stood up Supergirl landed in the middle of the road, the cerement cracking beneath her feet. He looked back at Barry once more before he stated, "That my cue, see you around Flash." He zoomed off in the blink of an eye, red lightning following him as he ran off. Supergirl looked confused as the lightning started to dissipate revealing Barry in dust. Supergirl rushed over to Barry as he blacked out. Supergirl picked him up ready to take him to a hospital as a Star Labs van swerved round the corner. Silas got out of the van asking Supergirl to take him to Star Labs. Supergirl looked at Silas, then she looked at the van recognising the name.

"Why should I give him to you? Your facility has already taken so many innocent lives" Supergirl snapped at Silas. Silas gave a deflated look before he explained that the man she is carrying is his colleague and he is the only one who can help him. Supergirl looked at Silas the down at Barry before she said, "Star Labs, I'll meet you there." She flew up carrying Barry as Silas got back in his van and drove back to Star Labs.

Star Labs

Supergirl flew into the labs landing softly in the main lab. She put Barry onto the med bay and waited for Silas to get back. A few minutes later Silas rushed into the lab rushing to Barry's side checking him over while Supergirl stood watching him the whole time. To Silas's surprise Barry's cuts and bruises were starting to heal already. Silas looked back at Supergirl confirming that he would be okay. "Why was he out there?" Supergirl questioned angrily. Silas looked at her then back at Barry still in his suit. Silas retorted back stating that it should be obvious to her why he was out there. Supergirl glared at Silas before she asked her second question. "What's his power? Getting himself almost killed? Supergirl stated in an annoyed tone. As they spoke Barry started to wake up, sitting up as he saw Supergirl standing on the opposite of the lab. Barry looked at Silas with a confused look on his face wondering why Supergirl was in Star Labs. Silas answered Barry's question saying she saved him. Barry looked at Supergirl before he thanked her. He started to get off the med bay before Supergirl looked at him with a concerned look. Barry got up grabbing at his ribs as he struggled to breath. Supergirl rushed over to him steading him before guiding him back to the med bay. "You have three cracked ribs and a collapsed lung; do you have a death wish or something?" Supergirl questioned as Barry sat down.

"He's still out there" Barry said with a concerned tone to his voice. Supergirl looked at him asking if he meant the guy in yellow. "He said his name was the Reverse Flash. He killed five people tonight and did it without breaking a sweat. He can do everything I can do but quicker" Barry stated annoyed. Supergirl looked at him questioning what Barry meant by everything he can do. Barry put his hand in the air and started vibrating it, to Supergirl's surprise. Supergirl moved closer to Barry curious about his powers.

"Are you an alien as well. I thought I was the only one. What else can you do?" Supergirl blurted out before Barry stopped her. Supergirl realising what she was doing stopped standing back in embarrassment. Barry assured her it was okay, but he was not an alien. Supergirl a little disappointed gave a sigh before helping Barry to his feet. They stood facing each other, their eyes locking in a brief moment before Supergirl started to head for the exit. "I can see you're okay now, so I'll.... get off. Good luck. Oh, and I didn't peak under the mask" Supergirl smiled. Barry looked back at her with a smile thanking her. "See you around... What was your name again?" Supergirl asked. Silas turned to look at Barry as Barry smiled.

"You can call me the Flash" Barry said with a huge grin on his face. Supergirl turned staring to walk away with a smile on her face.

"See you around, Flash" Supergirl said as she zoomed out of Star Labs.

Iris's Apartment

Iris was standing on her balcony, looking out into the city. She had a glass of red wine in her hand sipping from it every now and again. She turned to walk into the apartment as Supergirl flew in, landing softly on the floor. Iris turned with a smile, Supergirl walking further into the apartment.

"Are there any pot-stickers left?" Supergirl said walking over to the fridge. Iris nodded as Supergirl opened the fridge taking out a container of Chinese food. Supergirl put the food in the microwave to heat it up. Iris gave her a confused look. "I still haven't mastered heat vision yet, don't judge me" Supergirl said before she walked into a room. She came back out in normal clothes walking back over to the microwave. "How could you not tell me there was another hero in Central city?" Supergirl asked. Iris looked at Supergirl in confusion.

"What other hero?" Iris asked putting her wine down on the kitchen counter. Supergirl started to eat her food as Iris awaited her answer.

"He calls himself the Flash" Supergirl stated.

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