The First Race

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Barry and Silas stood there staring at each other neither fully understanding what had happened.

Outside Star Labs
Thawne stood outside in the darkness of the city night, the cold breeze brushing over him. Red lighting started to escape out of his hands, then his arms, finally consuming his entire body. The lighting shot out hitting the concrete and shattering street light around him. He smiled as he shot back inside. Barry had gotten into his Flash suit while Thawne was outside. It didn't matter as Thawne grabbed him by the throat and pinned him against the wall. He turned to look at Silas who was holding a gun and aiming it at Thawne.
"Don't kid yourself Silas you won't kill me" Thawne laughed. To Thawne's surprise Silas shot the gun the bullet flying across the lab. As the bullet was fired Thawne let go of Barry, grabbed the bullet out of mid air before returning his grip on Barry before he touched the ground. Silas looked in shock as Thawne dropped the bullet on the floor. "I underestimated you Silas" Thawne stated with a smile and in the blink of an eye he was gone along with Barry. Silas dropped to the floor not knowing what to do. Thawne ran himself and Barry to the roof of Star labs, throwing Barry onto the catwalk as they got there. Barry started to stand up before being kicked a super speed by Thawne. Thawne pointed his hand to the sky the red lighting shooting off of him causing red clouds to form over head. The rain started to pour as Barry rose to his feet, the rain splashing of his cowl and dripping down his face. As he looked up he saw Thawne shooting his red lighting into the air, rage filled Barry as he felt lighting surge though his body. He zoomed up to Thawne his fist leading towards his face. Yellow lighting covered his fist as he smashed through the raindrops. He finally reached Thawne hitting his face before he could even react. Thawne was sent flying backwards. Thawne stood up using the railing for support. The rain continued to fall as Thawne and Barry stared at each other across the catwalk. Suddenly lighting surged through both of them and they zoomed towards each other meeting in the middle. They threw punches and kicks at each while simultaneously dodging the other's strikes. Thawne finally managed to gain the upper hand hitting Barry in the gut and the head. Barry realising he was losing tried a different tactic. He ran down the side of Star labs Thanwe chasing him in the process, continuing into the city. They raced through streets, highways and ally. Running around people, over cars and through buildings. Thanwe was always gaining on Barry which caused Barry to change where he was running. Thawne finally caught up as they got back to Star Labs. He pushed Barry mid run into the logo outside the building, it crumbling under the impact. Barry went to get up but Thanwe grabbed him before he could holding him up against the wall. His hand started to vibrate as he held it to Barry's chest. "All you had to do was stop being the Flash and you couldn't even do that" Thawne shouted at Barry. "No you will know what it's like to lose. So long Flash" Thawne continued as red lighting surged from his eyes. As Thawne moved his vibrating hand closer to Barry's chest a sonic boom could be heard in the distance. Thawne looked back with fear in his eyes. "No" Thawne stated as he dropped Barry and started to run. Before he could go anywhere black lighting shot in front of Thanwe. In front of him stood a black blur. The black light covered the blues before it finally stopped vibrating revealing a black flash suit. Under was a disfigured zombie like creature. It growled in Thawne's face before it shoved its hand into Thawne's stomach. As it pulled out it's hand it looked over to Barry before speeding off into the darkness. Thawne dropped to his knees as he looked at his stomach. His body started to decay the would slowly consuming him. He looked over to Barry. "All I wanted was to be you" Thawne cried before his body decayed into nothing. Barry walked over to where Thawne used to be looking for any sign of his foe. There was nothing. Barry zoomed back inside Star labs taking off his cowl. He checked Silas was okay before he finally relaxed. He picked up his phone and made a call to Joe. Joe answered and reassured Barry everyone was okay. Barry finally rested falling onto the med bay.

Days later

Days passed and there was still no sign of Thawne. Mostly everything had returned to normal. Barry was rushing down the street at normal speed he ran up the stairs and into his lab as the clock struck nine.
"Morning Allen your not late today" Julian said as Barry got into work. Barry got on with his work before Joe called him into a secluded hallway.
"What's up Joe?" Barry asked as Joe told him about the silent alarm they just had at the bank. Barry nodded before he zoomed out of the precinct and went directly to Star labs. When he got to the lab nobody was there. Barry looked around confused before noticing a ring and a note on the table. 'Hey Barry, I've been dealing with a lot these past few years and I'd given up on a lot of my responsibilities. Over this time we've spent together you have shown me how I should always believe in myself and never give up in the face of adversity. So I have taken some time to pick up a responsibility I have neglected far to long. I will be back but in the mean time I left you this gift. Enjoy Silas' the note ended. Barry picked up the ring. The ring was golden with white gold head and a golden lighting bolt across the middle. There was a button on the side of the ring. Barry pressed the button causing the ring to open and his suit to pop out. The suit floated in mid air for Barry as he smiled and quickly got changed. He zoomed out towards the back the wind brushing over his face. He passed many people walking along the path, all they saw was a Flash.

When Barry got back to his apartment he zoomed into his room. He smiled as he pulled down his cowl. Oblivious to the world he didn't notice Iris was in his apartment, standing in his doorway.
"What.....the....fuck" Iris stated loudly.

Coast City Train Station

A young man wheeled his suitcase across the platform. He entered to departing train and sat his seat. As he sat down the train's ticket checker came to his seat.
"Ticket please" he said with a smile. The young man scanned his ticket before putting it back into his pocket. "Mr Eobard Thawne, have a nice journey" the ticket checker said befor he move to the next seat. Eobard Thawne sat in his seat with a smile.
"Central City her I come."

Somewhere in Central City

A group of three people in suits walked down an ally towards a green door. They opened the door and walked in. The room was dark, so the group started calling out. Out of the shadows walked two men. The smaller of the two men spoke once he revealed himself.
"We have a job to do" he said bluntly passing them each a playing card. A king, a queen and a Jack. The three smiled as they looked at their cards.

The End

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