Who is The Flash?

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Iris's Apartment

Iris and Supergirl stood in the apartment Iris with a confused expression on her face after Supergirl claimed there was another hero in Central City.

"The Flash?" Iris questioned. Iris looked out into the city wondering who this new hero was. They both sat down on the couch turning on the TV. "So, what did he look like? And what can he do?" Iris asked as Supergirl stuffed her face with her Chinese food. Supergirl looked back at Iris half a noodle hanging out her mouth.

"He had a pure red suit on with hints of gold and a lightning bolt on the centre. He has superspeed" Supergirl answered finishing off her food. Iris looked back at the TV thinking to herself.

Star Labs

Barry was sitting down on the med bay as Joe came running in, rushing straight to Barry. Once he was convinced Barry was fine, he gave a sigh of relief. Barry looked at Joe asking what damage was done because of the fight. Joe looked at Barry stating that there was minimal damage done to the city but Tell was dead and so were the officers. Barry looked down feeling ashamed he wasn't fast enough to save them. Joe put his arm around Barry to calm him down as they walked out Joe driving Barry back to his apartment. Barry went back to his apartment in despair that he had failed to save the officers and Tell. He went to bed broken, collapsing into his bed falling straight to sleep.

Somewhere In Central City

A lab was filled with darkness, vials of chemicals sat on the sides. Suddenly red light filled the room as Reverse Flash zoomed into the lab. He walked around the lab knocking the chemicals off the sides in anger.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid" He screamed at himself smashing his fists into the side. He looked up to a blacked-out box in the corner of the room. He walked over to the box tapping on the box while he smiled. From inside the box electricity could be head hitting the sides. Reverse Flash smiled as he walked away thinking of what do next. As he walked up to a computer on his desk, he saw a newspaper article pop up, written by Iris West. Reverse Flash smiled his eyes glowing red.

Barry's Apartment

The morning came and Barry awoke from his slumber scattered across his bed, still having his clothes from the previous day still on. Barry quickly had a shower and got dressed. He called Iris asking to meet up later which she politely accepted. He zoomed to Jitters Coffee shop sitting down waiting for Iris. A few minutes passed by before Iris walked in, but to Barry's surprise Kara followed behind her. Iris waved as she and Kara approached Barry, Iris giving Barry a hug upon getting to the table. Barry looked at Kara with a confused look wondering why she was in Central City. They sat down as Barry posed the question to Kara.

"I moved in with Iris shortly after you went into your coma. Iris didn't tell you?" Kara stated looking at Iris then returning to face Barry. Barry once again gave a confused look remembering Kara worked in Metropolis. "Oh yeah, I commute" Kara said with a nervous laugh. Kara quickly decided to change the subject asking Barry how he remembered who she was being that they had only met once. Barry smiled before stating he had an identic memory tapping his head with a smile. Iris got up to get some coffee for the three of them leaving Barry and Kara to talk. "So how are you feeling since waking up from the coma?" Kara asked as Barry twiddled his thumbs. He looked back at her with a fake smile saying he's been alright. Barry thought back to last night, the officers being killed and Reverse Flash beating him to a pulp. Iris came back holding three coffees as they engaged in conversation.

"Sooo, Barry you work with the police, and you were at the precinct last night, right?" Iris asked looking at Barry with a smile. Barry nodded as he sipped his coffee with a worried look on his face, anticipating Iris's next question. "What can you tell me about the powered individuals last night?" Iris said with a smile on her face. Barry looked at her with a worried expression before he answered her saying it was confidential. Iris sighed as she looked at Barry with puppy dog eyes. Barry laughed as he reinforced that he couldn't say anything. They carried on with the conversation when Barry's phone rang. Barry answered the phone to Joe calling him into work as they had found another body. Barry told the girls he had to go before he rushed off to the crime scene. As he left Kara watched Barry leave with intrigue, Iris noticing this smiled at her before Kara questioned why Iris was smiling before they went back to drinking their coffees.

Crime scene

Barry arrived on the crime scene lifting the tape and walking over to where Joe was standing over the body. Barry crouched down next to the body asking for details. Joe mentioned the man was a scientist working for Mercury Labs and was working on a tachyon prototype. Barry examined the body not noticing any clear signs of how the scientist died. He checked the body over again before asking for security camera footage. Joe showed him the footage, the scientist was walking over to a stand with the tachyon prototype in his hands when he stopped, collapsing backwards. The prototype disappearing. Barry looked at the footage with a confused look before he slowed down the footage. With the footage slowed down Barry saw why the scientist stopped dead and the prototype was missing. Reverse-Flash could be seen speeding into the room putting his had threw the scientists chest before he took the prototype and sped out. Barry confused look turned to one of fear. He rushed out of the lab sweating and breathing heavily. He looked around to make sure no one was looking before he sped off arriving at Central City National Park. He stood at a lake looking out across the water.


Central City National Park

Young Barry stood staring out across the lake. His mother stood beside him as the sun started to set over the lake, the light reflecting of the water as it fell into its slumber. The water reflected the sunset painting the lake a golden orange.

"Why are we here mom?" young Barry sighed looking at his mother as she smiled staring out over the lake. His mother closed her eyes taking in a slow breath before she spoke.

"It helps relax the mind. Help you clear your mind" Barry's mother sated opening her eyes and turning to Barry. She kneeled down in front of him asking him to close his eyes and take a deep breath.


Barry gazed out over the lake the midday sun reflecting in the water. He closed his eyes taking the time to breath in and out slowly. He slowly opened his eyes his heart rate-slowing to a calmer state. As he started to smile his phone rang, it was Joe. Barry answered the phone as Joe asked if Barry was okay. Barry confirmed he was okay before he ran back to CCPD.


Barry got back to CCPD, as he got off the elevator he Joe walked up to him asking if he was okay. Barry reassured Joe he was was fine as they headed up towards his lab. As they reached the lab the breeze of the wind consumed the room due to the broken windows. They walked over Barry's desk, Joe putting the file for the case on his desk and asking him what he knew about the man in yellow. Barry looked at Joe then looked back at the picture of Reverse-Flash.

"I don't know much just that he kicked my ass" Barry said before he walked over to the broken window. Barry stared out the window looking out over Central city. Joe looked at Barry and asked him how that was possible. "He's faster" Barry stated sighing. Joe leaned on Barry's desk as Barry turned around to face him.

"Bar, when we get a case and the perp has the advantage we don't play him at his game. We come at it from a different angle, and that's what we need to do here. If he's faster then we need to find a way to neutralize that! Which means we need more info on him." Joe looked at Barry who had a determined look on his face.

"The lets do this!" Barry stated as he picked up the file.

Flash (1) Fastest Man AliveWhere stories live. Discover now