Reveal Reversal

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Central City Picture News

Iris was at her desk looking for sightings of 'The Flash'. She was looking at a tweet from a user saying they spotted a streak of lightning rushing through the streets. She looked at more but finding the same outcome with every tweet, nobody had actually seen 'The Flash'. She leaned back in her seat as her boss dropped a file on her desk.

"I need you on crime this week West. Young is out sick and you have connections up at the precinct" Iris's boss stated. He then looked at Iris's computer with an amused but confused expression. "The Flash? Care to explain?" Iris showed her boss a few of the tweet and told him what she had heard. "Well at the moment this assignment needs to be done, you can work on this special story with the extra time you have." Her boss started to walk away as Iris opened the file and started making notes. Iris worked until the evening and everyone had left to go home. Iris had just finished the crime report for the day and was working on her Flash piece. Iris stared at a board full of tweet and comments of supposed sightings of 'The Flash'. Suddenly all the light in the room shattered as a streak of red lightning flew around the room. The room became pitch black the only light from the moon shining through the window. Iris turned around her eyes darting around the room.

"Flash?" Iris finally questioned nervously. As soon as she finished speaking the red lighting jolted in front of her. The man leaned closer to Iris his eyes glowing red in the darkness as his face finally hit the light. He slowly smiled as he got closer.

"Actually some people say I'm the reverse" he stated his evil grin growing. He grabbed Iris by the neck before he rushed out of the building them both disappearing in a flash, Iris's notes flying over floor as they left.


The evening came and the shine from the moon beamed into Barry's lab. Barry was still working on finding the Reverse-Flash scanning through the footage as superspeed. He moved round his lab jotting key facts on a white board, his handwriting becoming smudged and scribbled. He finally took a break sitting down in his chair, the chair rolling across the room due to the speed he was going. Whilst he was taking a break he got a call from Dr Stone. He picked up the phone, Silas asking Barry to come to Star Labs. Barry got up grabbing his coat as he zoomed off to Star Labs. As he rushed through the city ,lightning trickling off his body into the wind, flashes of red lighting passed through the building. Barry stopped in an alley, a few moments later the red lightning enter the alley stopping a few meters in front of Barry.

"What do you want Reverse-Flash?" Barry asked standing in a fighting stance ready for an attack. The Reverse-Flash stood there in his yellow Flash suit the red lightning splashing off him as he came to a halt. He walked over leaning on a wall with a cocky smile on his face. He tapped the side of his cowl causing it to fade over the back of his head disappearing into the air. His face looked familiar. As Barry looked closer he realised who he was, Eobard Thawne. "Thawne?" Barry question looking at the scientist.

"Nanotech. You like it?" Thawne questioned as he walked around the alley. " Oh I should explain that. My name is Eobard Thawne, I am from the future." Thawne stated as he stopped his walk looking directly at Barry. "But back to your question, I want you to stop being the Flash." Thawne finished looking at Barry with an intense stare. Barry looked back at him laughing at the absurdity of the statement.

"Why would I do that? So you can keep killing people without anyone to stop you?" Barry sated.

"You will stop being the Flash, Barry. Or you lovely adoptive sister will have to continue her journalism career from the grave!" Thawne stated, a smirk sneaking onto his face as Barry realised what Thawne was saying. Barry zoomed up to Thawne grabbing the top of his collar, his fist clenched ready to punch Thawne. Thawne didn't react as his smile grew seeing the anger in Barry's face. "Don't worry Barry, she's still alive for now. But I'll be keeping her as an insurance policy just in case you don't do what I say" Thawne stated as he smiled. Barry slowly let go of Thawne's collar putting his hands back down to his side and backing off. As soon as he let go Thawne brushed off his suit whilst his mask formed back over his head, he smiled at Barry one last time before he vanished in a flash of red lightning. Barry looked on as the ruminants of the red lightning dissipated. As soon as Barry regained composure he zoomed off to Star labs, papers flying everywhere as he arrived. Silas was asleep at his desk when Barry zoomed in the wind from speed waking him up in a shock.

"Eobard Thawne! Did you know he was the Reverse-Flash!" Barry shouted causing Silas to stand up shocked and scared at Barry's revelation. Silas shook his head as Barry slammed his hands down onto one of the desk in the lab. Barry turned to face Silas with anger on his face and tears in his eyes. "He has Iris." Barry stated in a defeated voice. "I need to know everything about you know about Eobard Thawne" Barry asked. Silas just nodded as he sat down opposite Barry.

"It started in 2009" Silas started.

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