A Hero's Gamble

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Barry pulled out his police badge as the cops surrounded him. They lowered their guns walking up to Barry and the abandoned car. Barry waited until Joe got there, Iris telling him what happened when she got to the CCPD. Joe approached Barry asking him what he was thinking. Barry pulled Joe to the side explaining how he saw the guy that was in the car. Joe asked him what he saw shaking his head. Barry told Joe the man had tattoos down his arm and used them when he attacked him. Joe looked at Barry with a confused look, asking him what he meant by he used his tattoos to attack him. Barry explained that he pulled off one of his tattoos, of a knife, and threw it at him. Joe looked at him with an unbelieving look. Barry gave a frustrated look back knowing Joe didn't believe him. Barry looked around making sure no on was watching, he then speeded Joe to Star labs. Joe gasped in surprise as he saw his surroundings change around him. He then saw Barry standing next to Silas Stone asking Joe if he believed him now. Joe immediately fainted Barry speeding to catch him before he hit the ground. Barry put Joe on the med bay as Silas gave him a smile noting that he was getting better at controlling his speed. Barry retorted with its like learning to walk again giving a little laugh. After about an hour Joe woke up, sitting up to see Silas smiling at him. Joe got of the med bay asking Silas what happened. Silas informed him Barry brought him here using his newly acquired super speed. Joe looked around realising Barry wasn't there, turning to Silas asking where Barry had gone. Silas revealed that Barry had to go back to CCPD. Joe rushed out of Star Labs rushing back to CCPD.


Joe got back to CCPD seeing Barry talking to the captain. Once Barry had finished listening, he turned and saw Joe waving him over. Barry walked over to Joe with a childish smile on his fae. Joe pulled Barry into a empty room and stated asking question about his speed and what the captain wanted. Barry explained that he got his speed from the particle accelerator explosion, and he was learning how to use it more and more each day. Barry then went onto explain that Tell had left a note for him and they were planning on making a trap. They were setting up the trap for later in the night at the Central City Casino. Joe nodded going along with what Barry had planned noting that nobody else could find out about his speed. Barry agreed before they got to work on the plan.

Central City Casino

Barry walked into the casino, the bright lights shone from wall to wall, red and yellow colours burst from his surroundings the wooden tables spread out across the room inviting people to attempt them. Barry walked around in his black tuxedo as to not look out of place, he had a wire under his shirt so he could record the conversation he was planning to have. He walked to a roulette table holding a few chips in his hand watching the ball bobble between the gaps on the spinner. After a few seconds of watching Jeremy Tell walked up beside him leaning over the table. Tell kept looking at the table as he started to speak.

"Games of chance. Blackjack, Poker and roulette, all games of chance. Always a risk but the endorphins and the adrenaline get to you, make you want to take that risk. I like that rush that's why I do what I do, gamble, smoke, kill. It all gets the blood running, gets you ready to take on the world." Barry looked at Tell with a confused expression not knowing why Tell was telling him this. "I know that look, the confused look. Normally its, why are you doing this? But you and I know that you are in no real danger what with your adrenaline rush." Tell stated with a wink. Barry looked at Tell inviting him to carry on. "I recognised you from somewhere when I saw you at the bank. So, I did some research." Tell looked at Barry with a massive smile across his face. Barry stared at Tell knowing what he was about to say. "Son of the 'Notorious Henry Allen'. You and I should be on the same side, we would make so much money." Tell smiled as Barry gave him a death stare. Tell laughed before he flicked a poker chip into his hand telling him to think about it. Tell then went to walk out of the casino. As he opened the doors, he was surrounded by a swat team aiming their guns at him. He put up his hands accepting his arrest before the SWAT team arrested him and put him in the back of a police car. Joe then walked up to Barry cooling him down as they took tell away.

Star Labs

Barry went back to Star Labs after the sting walking into the main room of Star Labs and seeing Silas watching a TV as he ate his dinner. Barry walked up to Silas, Silas asked him how the sting went. Barry told Silas it went well but he felt like he could be doing more with his speed. Silas looked at Barry.

"And how would you like to do that? We could maybe use your speed to advance medicine or provide renewable energy." They both then looked at the TV as the news was being shown. Supergirl had just saved a plane from crashing lifting it up before it crashed into the Metropolis bridge, placing the plane on the water, saving hundreds of lives. Barry then looked at Silas and gave him a smile.

"We should do something like that" Barry stated as he pointed at the TV. Silas looked at Barry with a smile knowing what he meant. They immediately got up and walked over to a screen. Silas looked at Barry asking him where he wanted to start. Barry looked at the picture of Supergirl being shown on the news realising what they should do first. "We make a suit! One that preferably covers my face" Barry said looking at Silas. He tapped the screen as they got to work. They spent all night designing a suit for Barry finally getting to the creation stage of the process. While they worked on creating the suit Joe walked in asking for Barry to come to CCPD. Barry looked at Joe sleep hiding under his eyes from the all-nighter he had just pulled. Barry asked Joe if there had been another murder or something. Joe shook his head before saying that Tell wanted to speak to Barry and only Barry. Barry sped them both to CCPD asking Silas to keep going while he dealt with Tell. When Barry and Joe got to CCPD Joe gestured Barry to the interrogation room opening the door letting Barry in as Tell sat waiting for him. Barry sat down facing Tell. "So, what did you want to speak about?" Barry questioned annoyed. Tell leaned back in his chair asking if Barry had thought about his offer. Barry just shook his head. Tell laughed as he looked at the one-sided mirror and then back at Barry.

"Bad move" Tell said with an annoyed tone. Barry looked at Tell confused asking him what he meant by that. "Well now.... I'm going to have to kill you" Tell stated not taking his eyes of Barry. Just then officers came rushing grabbing Tell taking him back to the holding cells. Barry walked out and up to his lab. Back in the holding cell, Tell leaned against the bars as he scratched his arms. He scratched a tattoo of a key on his arm as it started to peel off his arm and into his hand becoming a solid key. He opened the cell door, as he did an officer came to stop him. Tell gabbed the officer slamming his head into a wall knocking him out. He grabbed his gun walking out into the bullpen of the CCPD. He pulled up his sleeve to reveal two tattoos of grenades. He scratched them off his arm and into his hand. He threw the first one up into Barry's lab. As the grenade flew threw the door of the lab it caught Barry's eye. As he saw it, he super speeded towards it catching it mid-air and throwing it threw the window before it exploded.  The explosion destroyed the window to Barry's lab, the explosion sending Barry's lab partner Julian into a wall knocking him out. Barry checked that Julian was okay before he rushed down the stairs. Tell had already thrown the second grenade into the captain's office. Barry zoomed into the office to get rid of the grenade, as he got there the grenade was already mid explosion. Barry gabbed the captain before rushing him out of the office and into the bullpen. Before anyone could react, Barry ran back to Star Labs grabbing the suit Silas had just finished and running back to CCPD. As he arrived back at CCPD he stood opposing Jeremy Tell. His suit was red with a gold belt. He had a white circle in the middle of his suit with a lightning bolt slashing through the middle of it. His head gear covered the majority of his face apart form his mouth and eyes, lightning bolts on the side of the mask. Tell looked at Barry and smiled. He aimed his gun firing five bullets at Barry. As the bullets fired Barry sped moving the bullets into safe positions using his index finger. He then ran and punched Tell sending him flying back into the wall. Barry stood looking at Tell feeling proud of himself. As Tell started to get back up Barry grabbed Tell's gun dismantling it using his speed and dropping the piece in front of him as tell finally got to his feet. Suddenly, Tell made a grunt noise as papers went flying everywhere. Barry looked confused as he looked down at Tell's chest, where a hole could now be seen. Next to Tell stood a man dressed in a similar suit to Barry but his colours of his suit were in reverse. In his hand he held a heart, it slowly beating in his hand before it finally stopped. The man in yellow dropped the heart as Tell fell back to the floor. Barry stood there in shock as the man in yellow finally spoke.

"Hello, Flash!" The man said with an evil grin.

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