29 • Soulmates

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"This just in, tycoon giant Seok Jung, was found dead inside an apartment complex drenched in blood along with a rope tightly wrapped around his neck."

"Wow, that's unexpected..." Yuna gasped as she stole a spoonful of cereal her wife had in hand, "Anyway! I'm glad he's gone."

Chaeryeong playfully rolled her eyes before continuing to eat her cereal, "Weren't the two of you been together since high school?" she raised a brow. "Aren't you sad?"

Yuna casually shook her head, "No, I hate everyone who dares to hurt you! I won't hesitate to um... you know, yeah. I don't care about anyone, it's you what's important."

The shorter smiled and took the last spoon of her cereal then placed the bowl on the coffee table, turning her body to face her wife for an embrace.

"You're really crazy," she chuckled while planting a kiss on the taller's cheek.

"Crazy for you~" Yuna chuckled as she turned her wife's head to steal a kiss on the lips, "By the way, how did you find that out?" she tilted her head.

"Investigators had their suspicion towards a young girl who seemed to be the last person the man had a conversation with, but quickly disregarded it once there were no footprints nor handprints found within the location."

Yuna eyed on the tv, "Aren't you the young girl that the news just mentioned? You two talked right?" she furrowed her brows.

"Yeah, we talked." Chaeryeong sighed, "I detested him, but he was actually a nice dude if you exclude the abusive things he'd done to me..."

"The investigators then concluded that it was suicide due to the note they found on the dining table that said, I can't take it anymore..."

"When he was drunk, I helped him walk and took him to the parking lot."

Yuna smiled, "And you drove him to the apartment since he's drunk right? You're such a kind soul."

Chaeryeong smiled rigidly at the sentence, "Um hun, about that... I need to be honest with you."

The shorter placed both of her hands on her wife's shoulders, gazing at the latter earnestly. Yuna noticed this, tilting her head once more in complexity.

"I'm not what you think I am."

"...What do you mean? I already investigated everything about you."

"I'm aware, but the thing is— that's not just all of it."


"Didn't you think it was weird that I was calm all the time? Jung... I knocked him out with a syringe and drove him to that apartment... and tortured him to my heart's content."

Yuna widened her eyes, "So those things I saw inside your apartment..." she gasped. "And those pills?"

Chaeryeong nodded her head, "I lied, that wasn't for unnie. Those were prescribed for me, and just like you... I'm a psychopath."

Nonchalantly explaining her situation, the taller felt shivers under her skin and slowly backed away from her wife.

Normally, she wouldn't react to such revelations like these as it was a common thing within her family. However, it was totally unexpected coming from her wife that it made her feel different.

For the first time in forever.

Yuna finally felt fear.

The taller huffed, "So all of this time... you were pretending? Lying?"

"Yeah." Chaeryeong stared at her wife expressionless, "I guess it's my turn to ask the question— Are you disgusted at me?"

Yuna lowered her gaze, gripping onto her elbow. "I'm not usually nervous like this when it comes to these kinds of occurrences, I would've taken it well." she cleared her throat. "Although I'm not disgusted, I suppose... I'm a bit scared."

Gradually, silence filled the room as the shorter was unable to do anything but stay paralyzed in place. Something inside of her sparked, the feeling of disappointment?

Anxiety quickly filled her mind.

Causing her to drop her back on the couch's backrest and sigh.

Of course, her wife noticed this and felt slightly guilty— it was comprehensible. After all, the revelation happened so abruptly and she never thought that something like this would happen.


But still...

"I'm not sure which is the real you anymore. However, what you just told me doesn't change the fact that I love you."

Yuna shook her head to relieve her mind, promptly straddling on her wife's lap.

"I hope you haven't forgotten, you belong to me." she caressed the girl's cheeks.

Chaeryeong lifted her head to look at her wife for a prolonged time before releasing a wide smile, "And you're mine?" she placed a hand on the latter's that cupped her cheek.

Yuna returned the smile and nodded her head, "Only yours."

With that being said, the taller leaned closer to her wife's shoulder. Slipping her shirt down to bite until it bled, marking the latter as if was her personal being.

Chaeryeong didn't even flinch at the pain and smiled at the gestures.

"I wouldn't think that I'd fall for a psychopath."

Yuna snickered, "Me neither."

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