23 • Overworked

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Almost a month passed and Chaeryeong felt more stressed than ever, the past few days had been too bad for her. The girl's frustrated, having the deep desire of leaving her office and take a long breather.

The reason?

Well, not that she felt jealous or anything.

But it looks like the man she wasn't fond of began to get closer with her wife, due to work reasons she concluded.

Of course, she knew her wife wouldn't get swayed by such a jerk. That's why she always ignored the latter and focused on her work, well not until this man started to mess with her.

"Here are the event papers you need to organize."

The mentioned man's secretary dropped a stack of paper onto Chaeryeong's table, causing the girl's smile to twitch and clench her fist under the table.

"Aren't your team supposed to work on that?" Chaeryeong took a deep breath and maintained her calm composure.

"There have been some problems." The secretary coughed, "And if Mr. Jung found out you told anyone about this, there might be consequences."

Chaeryeong rolled her eyes, "I don't care, go take your shit and do your job... don't pass it to me. I already have a lot to do, even if I do these now I'll pass the due."

"Then work overnight, stupid."


"Good luck... you're going to need it," the secretary bowed before making her way out of the office.

As soon as the door closed, the girl dropped her back on the backrest and sighed. The thought of grabbing this Mr. Jung and his secretary's head, bumping them into each other, came into mind.

She wanted to do it out of frustration.

Well, not literally... she couldn't bring herself to do such an extreme thing unlike her wife, but the thought of imagining it was enough for the secretary.

That at least can put her mind at ease.

With her mind now properly organized, Chaeryeong sat up and stretched her fingers. She grabbed her phone from the table to dial her wife and without even a millisecond, Yuna already picked up.

"Chaeenggiee! I'm glad you called! Should we get sushi this time? Hmm, maybe chicken?"

"Hun, I don't think I'll be getting home early... I may need to work overnight-"


"Ermm... some problems popped up, I need to finish it by today."

"This is the third time this month!" Yuna whined, "Are you sure there's nothing going on with you? Maybe I should've planted a device on you after all..."

Chaeryeong smiled bitterly, "...I'm fine, just go ahead and eat first. Then make sure to sleep early so you could catch up with your schedule okie?"

"I'll have a hard time sleeping without you, you know?"

"Mhm, I know~ Don't worry, I'll finish as soon as possible. So do me a favor and do what I say?"

Yuna huffed, "Fine... do it now so you could get home quickly!"

Chaeryeong chuckled, "I'll see you later, love you."

"Love you more!"

When the secretary hung up, she stretched her neck before fixing her gaze on the stack of papers and grabbed a pen to start her workload.

"I'm already starting to feel sleepy..."

2:00 a.m

The time Chaeryeong was finally able to finish everything and arrive inside their home.

When the girl tiredly stepped inside the residence, she made her way towards the kitchen to grab a little something to eat from the fridge.

Scanning the inside of the fridge, Chaeryeong grabbed a carton of milk and a wrapped sandwich to microwave.

Closing the fridge, she placed the sandwich inside the microwave and turned it on to heat. Then she poured herself a glass of milk and drank it in one go, just the right time the microwave began to beep.

As she took out the sandwich carefully onto a plate, the girl waited for the sandwich to cool down for a bit before going on ahead to eat it.

Immediately after she finished, Chaeryeong began to slowly make her way upstairs to her shared room, only to suddenly feel a sudden sting inside her head that caused her to stumble.

Gripping tightly on the railings to support her balance, she quietly winced at the pain and held her forehead.

Her overworked body finally made its signal and alerted her body, the girl was so stressed the past few days that she didn't even notice the alarms that struck her body.

Not until just now.

Gradually, her consciousness started to fade away.

This alerted her even more and attempt to walk down the stairs. Swiftly, she turned her back and took two steps down the stairs.

But no, she was too late.

Everything went black.


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